Netflix Announces Unlimited Web Watching

Netflix-1Netflix continues to adapt, grow and create a better experience for the customer. Today we learn that they are lifting all restrictions on online viewing. We get the scoop this morning from the fabled caves of yahoo:

Video rental company Netflix Inc said on Monday it was offering subscribers unlimited access to movies and television shows to watch via the Web on their personal computers. The feature will be open to all subscribers already on one of their unlimited monthly video rental plans, with no extra charge. Until now, Netflix had limited the number of hours of video accessed via the Web that it made available to subscribers under a regular subscription plan. Netflix said it offers about 6,000 movie and television titles to watch over the Web.

This rules! A catalog of 6000 movies is a lot of entertainment for your monthly subscription. The downside is that you have to watch the films on your computer, but with a few cables you can send the good stuff to your television screen. Last week Netflix announced that they were developing an On Demand TV top box with LG, and now they take the chains off of on line viewing for their customers – I like where this is going.

They said there would be 800 rotating films for the On Demand service, and in addition to that you will have a massive library of 6000 movies and TV shows to watch on your computer. This is like living in a distribution center. It is getting harder and harder to find some old gems that I used to enjoy as a kid on VHS, my hope is that technology like this will make hard to find films available to us at the touch of a button. I am not sure if Netflix will ever ditch their mail order service, but it sure looks like they are positioning themselves to be an On Demand powerhouse.

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