Terminator 4 Plot Information

Terminator Robot
We have some information about the upcoming Terminator 4 story. We get the scoop thanks to our friends at CHUD:

John Connor is not the main character of Terminator 4; that character is someone named Marcus. Marcus was put ‘out of commission’ before the nuclear holocaust on Judgment Day and he wakes up about 15 years before the future we see in the original Terminator films, which puts the movie at about 2015 or so. There’s also John Connor, who is trying to build a utopian society while running the human resistance.

The scope of the action in Terminator 4 is HUGE. Lots of machine action in this film, including some battles with the T-600s. Yup, the rubber skin Terminators. And there’s another familiar character that shows up – Reese shows up in a scene with John Connor. I don’t know what his involvement in the next two films will be, though.

I am a bit surprised that Connor will not be the main character in the film. To be honest, and after some reflection – I don’t think I mind. I am a fan of Christian Bale and am glad he has the role, but I can appreciate a different angle in which to tell the story. In the source article they go on to say that we will see more of John Connor in Terminator 5 and 6.

It looks like we are getting a movie with all out machine warfare. This is the best possible news as far as I am concerned. I want to see terminators and humans shooting it out, struggling for ownership of earth and the future. In the previous Terminator films we were given a glimpse into the future and it will be a treat to see it fleshed out.

We now wait and see who will be cast as the lead, we know it’s not going to be Christian Bale. Marcus is going to be the man we follow; and we will have to keep our ear to the ground to see who is cast for the role.

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