Tim Burton Set To Direct And Produce Alice In Wonderland

Tim-Burton-Haircut-TimeI am delighted to announce that Tim Burton will be taking the helm for a new adaptation of the beloved fairy tale Alice In Wonderland. We get the glorious news this morning from the damp, dirty caves of yahoo:

Tim Burton has signed a deal with the Walt Disney Co. to direct and produce 3-D movies based on Lewis Carroll’s “Alice in Wonderland” and his own short film “Frankenweenie.”

The “Alice” adaptation, combining live-action and performance-capture technology, will start shooting in early 2008.

When it comes to fairy tale films, I will always be pleased when Tim Burton is in control. I consider him to be one of the most artistic and talented directors alive and always look forward to his work. With the ability to use performance capture for all the wonderland friends, I think the time is right for the story to be brought to the silver screen the way it was meant to be.

Now I want to know who will play Alice. I would gladly accept Scarlet Johansson as an option, but I usually want to see her in everything, including my pants. (Zing!) After investigating wikipedia I have now discovered that Alice is only 7 and a half in the story, which means Scarlet will probably not get the call. Dakota Fanning may be a quality choice, she is 13, but is a very talented actress and would still be believable as far as I am concerned. The movie hangs on the hinge named Alice and leaving that much responsibility to a child actor always has me concerned.

I can say with great conviction that this is fantastic news, and this film is one to watch out for. I am a fan of fantasy land, but tim Burton lives there all the time – in a magic tree.

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