Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

Bane Speaks

I just stumbled across the greatest video showcasing exactly why there’s absolutely no need for Christopher Nolan to modify the sound of Bane or Batman in his upcoming movie. Via: Screen Junkies Very very fun stuff. If you are still ...

Teaser Trailer: Rurouni Kenshin

My inner anime-nerd grabbed ahold of me upon site of the following. For those who don’t like anime and live adaptations don’t just dismiss. This isn’t the typical Hollywood-ization of an anime property and instead appears to be true to ...

A new Expendables 2 poster

A new poster is available for the Expendables 2 continuing the marketing onslaught that we’ve endured over the last few days. Let’s take a look at how this poster measures up to the rest of the promotion for this film. ...

Look at the new poster for Prometheus

A new poster is available for Ridley Scott’s upcoming pseudo prequel to the Alien franchise titled Prometheus and gives us a new look at the direction of the film. Let’s take a look and critique! Via: JoBlo Idunno why but ...