Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

The Expendables 2 trailer

The headline is a little misleading as this is more of a “teaser” than an actual trailer. The film is expected to open next year and they still manage to keep me enthused by showing just enough to get me ...

Trailer: The Dictator

Sacha Baron Cohen’s new movie is nearing release and the obligatory first trailer has just hit the webs for all of us to watch and giggle. Take a look! Via: Fused Film It made me chuckle toward the end but ...

Paradise Lost production HALTED

Bradley Cooper is the devil… in the upcoming movie Paradise Lost. Well, he will be once they re-evaluate the budget for the film. The movie is scheduled to begin early next year but it seems that some budget concerns have ...