MARVEL's Cloak and Dagger Trailer & A Surprising New Reaction

MARVEL’s Cloak and Dagger Trailer & A Surprising New Reaction

I went into the Cloak and Dagger trailer expecting some low budget, Agents Of Shield type of content, but came out extremely pleased and even shocked, at just how good this new Marvel series looks.

Not only was I shocked to find out that this too will connect with the rest of the MCU-verse, but I was even more shocked to see how this series seems to stand alone in it’s own tone and style (even though Marvel has had a countless number of uniquely styled releases).

This trailer gives off a genuine vibe of darkness, while reeling in towards something more deep in drama, that still seems to stand quite alone and even more intriguing than Marvel’s latest Netflix releases (which I might add, are pretty damn good).

See it for yourself below, and stay tuned for my truly shocked reaction. . .

Watch MARVEL’s Cloak and Dagger:

Were you as surprised as I was, at just how amazing this new Marvel series looks? See for yourself below, as me & JosCustoms  were extremely pleased with what we saw. . .

Watch The Official Cloak and Dagger Trailer Reaction:

Unfortunately, Cloak and Dagger doesn’t come out until next year, so in the meantime, check out some of their comics, and stay tuned for a whole lot more movie fun.

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Side Notations:

I still can’t believe how good this looks. . .

Whoever scored this trailer is amazing!

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