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New Doctor Strange Clips

New Doctor Strange Clips Released

Before you see anything else, make sure you make time for Marvel’s latest MCU installment Doctor Strange. Not only is the movie extremely well done (despite any white washing issues), Doctor Strange is certain to be one of the most mind-twisting visual movies you have ever seen.

If you need some more convincing, check out these two new Doctor Strange clips, that are sure to get you ready for the next Marvel superhero movie:

Warning these Doctor Strange clips may include minor spoilers:

If you are even remotely into movies or eastern philosophies that embed alternate realities and forms of Buddhism, this movie is absolutely something to watch.

The writers do an excellent job of implementing eastern philosophy while continuing to make it remain a true Marvel movie with lots of cheesy action sequences that the casual (and non casual) movie goer can enjoy.

I can’t wait to see Doctor Strange again, and hope you get a chance to as well!

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