
The ‘xXx: The Return of Xander Cage’ Trailer is Insane

The long awaited. . .? xXx: The Return of Xander Cage trailer is absolutely insane.

Is this the good type of insane? Kind of. Vin Diesel definitely got his boost in Hollywood as an action star, when he debuted as Xander Cage in 2002’s xXx. While he did not return for the sequel that starred Ice Cube, Vin Diesel shocked audiences with his characters insane stunts and hardcore action displays.

Before we begin with the reasons this movie looks absolutely insane, make sure you check out the xXx: Return of Xander Cage trailer below:

To begin, it is going to be awesome to see the return of the mostly original cast that started the xXx franchise almost a decade and a half ago. While seeing Samuel L. Jackson and his NSA character colorfully giving out orders again, will be quite a site, I cannot pretend the plot doesn’t look nearly as thin as paper.

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Vin Diesel who is most widely known for his Fast & Furious movies, is basically the Jason Statham of films as he stars in the type of movies you aren’t supposed to use too much of your brain for.

While Mr. Diesel ( yeah I know this isn’t his real name at all ) may make movies with mediocre acting and a thinning plot, that is not to say this movie cannot be extremely fun.

The Fast & Furious movies usually have a pretty cliche plot that involves the coolest action and fight scenes you will ever see. If xXx: The Return of Xander Cage can be anywhere close to the excitement the recent Fast & Furious movies have brought , then I would say that xXx 3 was as successful as it had hoped to be.

So while Mr. Vin Diesel riding a motorcycle over waves, and skiing across trees may be beyond any form of sanity, look for this movie to bring back the excitement and joy that the original xXx brought to the movie screen.

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P.S. Ruby Rose is going to be in it so that makes it a go for me.

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