
Return To Sender Trailer

First, let’s call this movie for what it is. This is an “Amazing Amy” prequel  (Gone Girl). I wanted this movie more than I want change in this country. Rosamund Pike is doing what she does best… playing a crazy, unpredictable woman who you don’t want to mess with. I would love to explain the plot, but it’s one of those: “You have to see it, to believe it” kind of movies. The only downside is I don’t want Ms. Pike to put herself in a box and consequently, get type cast in similar roles. She is an Academy-level actress and it would be a shame for her talent to go to waste. The  upside is that she owns the crazy, unpredictable woman role, so who cares. I sure don’t. So, neither should you. Check it out for yourself.


[springboard type=”video” id=”1521633″ player=”tmbg001″ width=”599″ height=”336″ ]




So beautiful. But, so crazy … just the way I like them.

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