
Starred up has a violent, powerful message



If you are searching for a movie that is going to get stuck in your mind for a long time, you should probably watch the new prison drama “Starred Up”. The new drama centers on Eric Love, played by the brilliant Jack O’Connell, and Eric is a troubled 19 year old offender that is being starred up from a juvenile detention center to a big prison. In prison he meets Neville who is, of all people, his father and both of them are not happy to see each other. Watch the Starred Up trailer and get instantly intrigued by the David Mackenzie movie.



The Sigma Films production was written by Jonathan Asser, who did not only incorporate a great message into the story but also gave it an incredible narrative particle. It is a British prison drama that speaks loud to the world, with an extraordinary brutal language making the film highly entertaining, because it has a great story, an amazing play and a really necessary message. . “Starred Up” shows a life story, without cutting the negativity. It is portraying the bad stuff in a way it gets into our minds and makes us understand the roots of the troubled youth. Behind every single young offender there is a dysfunctional family or a tragic event. There is something really wrong that leads to certain choices one guy like Eric make.


Brought to us by 20th Century Fox, the new movie “Stared Up” is going to hit the UK cinemas, this march. Watch the grim, gritty and violent drama that has a powerful message and an unimaginable story plot.



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