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The History of Batman and Superman [Video]

‘The time has come for Batman and Superman to battle out there differences on the big screen, two of DC’s biggest superheroes going head to head in what looks to be one of DC’s biggest movie ventures to date.

Superman and Batman are arguably DC’s biggest comic book characters and both have had more than a few runs at their own cinematic universes. This new installment looks as though it draws a lot of material from Frank Miller’s ‘The Dark Knight Returns’ series, detailing the adventures of an older Bruce Wayne and culminates with a face off with Superman.
To delve into the relationship of the two a bit further, Casino Bonus Tips have put together a short video to explore the ever changing allegiance between Superman and Batman.
From the many featurette’s and trailers, it won’t be so much of a fight till the death, but a fight to build the alliance that the two characters share in their many comic adaptations. Batman and Superman may have a difference of opinion, but ultimately they are stronger together and have the same goal, to save the world.’
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