The Superbowl Trailers!

I’m guessing those of you who haven’t been watching the Superbowl will want to see the trailers eh? Well, Ian has got you covered! I even stayed up late (in Ireland anyways) just for you guys! Heres the trailers for some of the most wanted films of the summer.

Here we have Transformers Dark Side of the Moon, and I have to say, its jumped up my list of films to see. Looks pretty good to me! Plus the siren audio thing is kinda cool. What Bots do you guys see?

You guys like??
Heres the next entry to the Fast and the Furious franchise, Fast Five. It looks okay, I hope its better then the last one anyways. It has the Rock, so theres a big help already!

Heres the spot for Priest, which looks like it might be your typical run of the mill sci fi thing, but might end up being okay!

This is the pretty amazing trailer for Battle LA. Reminds me of District 9, not a bad thing.

Heres new animation Rio, by the guys who made Ice Age.

Heres Super 8 for that guy who thought I was Rodney (I’m way cooler, man)

Cowboys and Aliens looks okay to me, not fantastic by any means though.

Annnnd finaly, Courtesy of Yahoo we have the two marvel superhero flicks. Thor looks stunning in my oppinion, I cannot WAIT to see it. That dude oozes god.

Its about time, aye? Finaly, we see the Cap in action! Looks great! Pretty cool seeing him as a young skinny guy too.

So International Friends, which ones are your favourites? What trailers suprised you? Which just cemented that your NOT going to see the full release? Personally I loved the hell outa the Marvel ones, but thats just my comic geekery coming out!

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