At first I thought this was going to be another one of those geeky fanboy/girl moments where someone does something in tribute to Harry Potter and as much as they think they are being all cool, but we just get to laugh at them (or at least feel better about things we geek out on because those examples are evidence that we geeks are keeping it in check!)
But this is actually some REALLY cool stuff. Its pole dancing, so of course I was hoping for some attempt at some geek girl to look sexy. Thankfully, she manages to be tastefully sexy, and show off some wicked pole dancing moves with some half decent effects to boot!
Aside from some effects to add to the “magic” it looks like all those pole moves were all her, which is awesome. And the soundtrack was fun too – going techno on the Harry Potter theme.
She leviosa’d my wingardium.
Her Youtube account has some other pole dancing and action clips that are pretty impressive too. (and she’s not hard on the eyes)