The proposed Lost Boys 3: The Thirst is slated to be released direct to DVD and Movies Online shares the specs:
Charisma Carpenter Hosts The Art of Seduction: Vampire Lore featurette
What is the Thirst? featurette (Blu-ray Only)
How to Kill a Vampire with Edgar Frog featurette (Blu-ray Only)
The Return of the Frog Brothers Hosted by Corey Feldman featurette (Blu-ray Only)
Digital copy of the film (Blu-ray Only)
Check out the boxart:

The movie is coming out on October 12th, and while we wont get to see much of that anticipated Corey vs Corey action, but it can’t be worse than Part 2 (which wasn’t too terrible, but didn’t feel at all like a Lost Boys film)
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