DiCaprio Could’ve Been Robin, Anakin And Spider-Man?

Han Solo could’ve been played by either Burt Reynolds or Al Pacino. Both Will Smith and Ewan McGregor turned down the role of Neo, in The Matrix trilogy. Sean Connery rejected the role of Gandalf, in the Lord of The Rings trilogy, due to the length of time for filming. Before Inception, what famous/infamous roles did Leonardo DiCaprio pass up?

CinemaBlend says

According to Leo he met with Schumacher for Robin in Batman Forever. That role went to Chris O’Donnell who is presumably sleeping on the street somewhere right now. He was in talks to play Anakin in the Star Wars prequels and while you might think he’d have been better than Hayden Christensen, remember that Lucas has a talent for making great actors seem awful. Just look at what he did to Natalie Portman. They talked to him about playing Spider-Man before the part went to Tobey Maguire. Leo said no thanks to that one too.

Wow. Talk about career changing decisions. Do you guys imagine what could’ve happened to this guy’s career if he had chosen to do Robin? I think he would’ve been great as Anakin. But we all know George Lucas could’ve made him look bad; he is known for doing that to great actors. Of all, I’m surprised that DiCaprio was offered Spider-Man. I don’t think he would’ve fit the Peter Parker role. He would’ve managed, but I think it was best fit for someone as Tobey Maguire. I’m glad he made those great choices; he’s now one of the best actors of our generation. He has two great films out this year already: Shutter Island and Inception. Keep it up.

What do you guys think? Do you think he dodge some bullets? Or did you want to see him in some of these roles?

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