Ice Age 4: Continental Drift in Summer 2012

So it looks like there will be an Ice Age 4 – tenatively titled Continental Drift. And it will be in 3D

Cinematical says:

Details are very light at this early date, but Variety assures us that A) there will one day be a film called Ice Age: Continental Drift — or maybe not because it’s a tentative title; B) it will arrive in theaters on July 13, 2012, so don’t make plans; and C) it will show up wearing that nifty 3-D outfit

As much as I like the Ice Age films, I honestly dont have a lot of enthusiasm for a fourth film.

Scritch the prehistoric squirrel is turning into the Coyote, and you stop caring if he ever gets the Roadrunner after seeing him fail so many times. Not that he is the movie, but you know he will make an appearance as a side gag.

Yes, I know these movies rake in some serious cash, but like the Land Before the Land Before Time, you stop caring when this gets beat with a stick.

At least for me.

Oh, and its 3d. Surprise, surprise. I like 3d, and I don’t get the hate for it (don’t see that version if you dont want to – shuddap) but it’s at the point now that its not news when a film announces it will get the 3d treatment.

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6 thoughts on “Ice Age 4: Continental Drift in Summer 2012

  1. Ray Romano has to be like one of the least appealing voice over guys in the bizz, next to John Legizamo and Dennis Leary of course, that said: over 800 million for part 3? HOLY SHIT!
    these aren’t going away anytime soon.

    for me personnaly, the only thing funny in these is “Scrat” the squirrel.

    the animation is on the weak side as well, IMO
    my 4 yr old cant stand these either.

    1. Ice Age (2002) = $383 million worldwide
      Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006) = $655 million worldwide
      Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009) = $884 million worldwide.

      That’s why.

      You might think its “horrid” but there are clearly plenty who disagree with you.

      1. Let’s not forget who the target audience is: kids. That’s why they’ve made so much. Because they wanna see it and their parents take them to see it.

        What I meant was that these films have gotten worse and worse. The first Ice Age was so good, the second was a disappointment, and the third was just a waste of time.

        Just because it makes a lot of money doesn’t mean it’s a good movie.

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