Kal Penn Signs on for A Very Special Harold and Kumar Christmas

Harold and Kumar would not be Harold and Kumar without Kumar.

So while it seemed inevitable, it was Kal Penn who needed to return to make A Very Special Harold and Kumar Christmas a reality.

Dark Horizons says:

Penn left Hollywood to take a post in President Barack Obama’s administration as associate director of the White House Office of Public Engagement – leaving his involvement in the upcoming sequel highly questionable. Now it seems he’ll return along with John Cho.

I love this series for its utter silliness and I am happy to see Kumar back in the saddle, hoping that saddle might be on the back of Neil Patrick Harris.

Cho joked in an interview that he gets 80% of NPH’s salary for anything he does now because Harold and Kumar are responsible for his resurgance in popularity.

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6 thoughts on “Kal Penn Signs on for A Very Special Harold and Kumar Christmas

  1. So, I have a question?
    Being that he’s in the White House and all, will there be a Kumar law passed and finally make the “green” stuff legal?

    It’s a funny thought. just sayin’

    1. in november it goes on the ballot here in california for full legalization.
      it will be the same as alcohol (you can have up to an ounce on you at a time for consumption and grow 25 sq feet) 21+ .

  2. It’s weird, but I enjoy all three actors here — NPH, Cho and Penn — but I just haven’t enjoyed this series. Saw the first movie and wasn’t a fan, saw parts of the second and thought it was mheh. I don’t hate them and I can see how people like them, just not for me. So for people who are huge fans, and I know this franchise enjoys cult status, I’m happy for you… I’m just glad it’s not the only thing Cho and NPH is doing (though I’m sad Penn’s not on House anymore…).

  3. I can’t wait. I love the first two films and I would have no problem at all seeing a new Harold and Kumar movie every 2 or 3 years for the rest of my life.

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