Book "Flying In" by Gretchen McGowan

Producer/Author Gretchen McGowan talks “FLYING IN”

Scrappy freelance work on location in Vietnam, Costa Rica, Spain and Buffalo in the 1990s.  Seasoned studio executive jobs in Jordan, Germany and New York City in the 2000s. Gretchen McGowan recounts it all in her provocative new book Flying In, described as a ride-along through the golden age of independent film—from script discovery straight through to premiere night.

From Brian De Palma to Wu-Tang Clan

McGowan invites us along as she produces films with renowned directors the ilk of Jim Jarmusch, Brian De Palma, Mary Harron and James Ivory.   She has also rubbed shoulders with a wide array of name stars, including Mickey Rourke, Deborah Harry, Tilda Swinton, Cate Blanchett and the Wu-Tang Clan.

A story told from the Inside Out

Flying In comes at the reader from the perspective of a woman who started with no connections, beat the odds, and emerged from it all to produce international hit films.

Here’s my interview with Gretchen McGowan:


It’s the grit and glam of 1990s New York City—a heyday for independent movies. Suddenly, Wall Street is throwing money at indie films and the world’s biggest stars are flocking to them for prestige. And everyone else wants to be a producer. Eyewitness to it all is Gretchen McGowan, a budding producer, who now relays her often humorous and absurd stories in FLYING IN: MY ADVENTURES IN FILMMAKING (Post Hill Press).

Film Producer and Author Gretchen McGowan

Gretchen McGowan

On a film set, “flying in” is a term used to describe the urgent call to let cast and crew know that something’s needed near the camera ASAP. It might refer to anything from a key prop to a crowd of background actors. And in many cases throughout McGowan’s career, it refers to her. On film set after film set, when there’s a problem, McGowan “flies in” to solve it.

Video Review of the classic crime thrillers “DEATH WISH” 1 & 2!

On my YouTube Channel now @ this link: 

JOHN SMISTAD, “THE QUICK FLICK CRITIC” yearns that you watch this review of “DEATH WISH” 1 & 2!!

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  • Book "Flying In" by Gretchen McGowan

    Producer/Author Gretchen McGowan talks “FLYING IN”

    Scrappy freelance work on location in Vietnam, Costa Rica, Spain and Buffalo in the 1990s.  Seasoned studio executive jobs in Jordan, ...
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