King Kong Studio Attraction gets an Upgrade and Makeover

If there is one thing King Kong always is, it is BIG (and also an ape.. just sayin) so when the Universal Studios backlot tour attraction ride for King Kong was lost in a massive fire a couple years back, if it was going to return, it was going to be BIG!

And the new attraction is being marketed as the “Largest 3D Exhibit in the World” but will also be adding other elements that add to the experience. Not only are you going to be able to see him in massive 3D, but the environment around the screen will also be affected further immersing you in the presentation.

Screen Rant says:

If the new technology works as designed, park visitors will not only see Kong in three dimensions but also smell his banana breath, feel the gust of wind as he jumps over the guests and sense the ground quake when the ape engages aTyrannosaurus rex in a life-or-death battle. The Kong attraction will be one stop on the park’s back lot studio tour ride.

I think its great that they are going with giant banana breath instead of the rotted deer carcass breath that would make more logistic sense. And the one thing Jackson’s Kong had going for it was the visuals, so that will work fine too.

I didn’t get to see the California Univseral tour, but I did go to the Florida Universal Studios park where we went on the King Kong ride (I assume they were simiilar) and while it was interesting to see considering the classic nature of the film, at closer inspection it was VERY dated with a giant anamatronic hand and Kong himself looking pretty fake.

I look forward to seeing the new version once it is done.

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