9 thoughts on “Robin Hood trailer now online

  1. this movie will be…amazing…it’s freakin’ russell crowe! I saw the Kevin Costner Robin Hood not too long ago. I remembered the movie being amazing! But…not so much, it was terrible. Mark my words, Russell Crowe does not do bad movies…he may do an alright movie, but not bad! He get’s a pass on A Good Year

    1. Yeah, LOL! It reminds me of the awful editing job in Braveheart during the first big fight. Like the movie was cut together (kind of an oxymoron here) by a bunch of blind monkeys.

  2. Another shaky cam epic from Scott. Lets hope we will be able to see something else than tight shot of Crowe’s face and blurry arms flailing around during action scenes

  3. What how does it look like Gladiator cause the Cinematography and Lead actor the same.

    Its a flash of clips. And if it is this dark film there is nothing wrong with that considering the world is a dark place.

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