Stevenson, Townsend and Asano are Thor’s Warriors Three

The one role left to cast for Kenneth Branagh’s Thor is actually three roles. Thor’s Warriors Three once held the ranks of TV’s Chuck Zachary Levi, but is now being played by Stuart Townsend, Ray Stevenson, and Tadanobu Asano! says:

Right after Zachary Levi admitted that he wouldn’t be joining Thor’s warriors, the news came out that Stuart Townsend, Ray Stevenson, and Tadanobu Asano will be playing Fandral, Volstagg, and Hogun. Also known as the Warriors Three, who have Thor’s back in any scrap. Not that we have anything against Chuck — it’s just that these brutes seem more apt for the job.

This is a win-win for me. While I was curious to see Levi as one of the Warriors Three just to see what he does with it, his absensce means the early return of Chuck, and it sounds like a suitable replacement.

I like this group, and look forward to seeing them in full Warrior’s regalia!

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8 thoughts on “Stevenson, Townsend and Asano are Thor’s Warriors Three

  1. Townsend really, i have nothing against the guy, but he is no fighter. I cannot think of him as someone i would be scared to go toe to toe with. I dunno just saying he should be stick to vamp and romance movies

  2. Hard to know which one replaced Levi. I’m going to go with Stevenson, for the obvious reason. If Stevenson was known to be one of the Warriors Three beforehand, it would have made all the blogs and comic book fanbase sites: . “ The Punisher in Asgard!!

    Stevenson now joins the ranks of several actors who have played different Marvel characters.

  3. Hmm. I have quite a few Thor comics, and I’ve only seen these guys two or three times. I wonder what role the Warriors Three could play in the movie?

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