Nathan Fillion Wants to be the Greatest American Hero

Now this is one Superhero casting I could really get behind. Nathan Fillion, rumoured to be in the running for Green Lantern (mostly because of a clever youtube fake trailer featuring the star) talks about a hero he could really see himself playing.

The Greatest American Hero.

Cinematical says

Nathan Fillion said there was one superhero film he thinks he can handle, a redo of [Greatest American Hero]. In his mind: “With the technology we have available today for effects, I’d say it’s largely the same idea, the same story, but the suit would be able to change and morph into whatever it is you needed him to do. So it could become armor, a scuba suit — you could do that stuff.” And while he isn’t actively making it at this point, he’s met both Katt and Robert Culp on the set of Castle, and the show’s stunt coordinator is the guy who did Katt’s stunts on the ’80s show. So, as Fillion says, “I’ve got my all my fingers in the right pots.”

For those of you still lost, The Greatest American Hero was a TV show that featured a guy who inherits a supersuit from some aliens that would give him unbelievable powers. But he doesn’t know how to use it. He is basically Superman, but when he flies he is less than graceful and has no idea how to land. He is a clumsy goofball who has no idea how to tap into the true capabilities of the suit. And it had a great theme song. If you don’t remember it now, this might help.

I think Nathan is right. This is one Superhero that needs a modern update and he is just the Captain Tightpants to do it! Nathan has a very odd mix of solid strong presence and baddassery to him while still managing to be the insecure underdog. Its endearing and just makes you want to root for him to succeed.

I hope this is one off the cuff comment that spirals into reality and brings us a 80s TV show adaptation that I would look forward to.

If they don’t give it to Fillion, they should really consider Dave Lapsley. Just sayin.

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19 thoughts on “Nathan Fillion Wants to be the Greatest American Hero

  1. Great, the alines are chinese. How can they call him the greatest american hero when he walks around with the chinese character “zhong” (center) on his suit. And for the record zhonggoa is the chinese word for China which directly translated means “center country”

    1. So the logo on his outfit is Chinese. Perhaps the aliens visited China in its origins and gave them written words. Who cares.

      It never affected the original TV series, so I don’t see how it can affect this proposed speculative remake.

      1. I’m not saying it will, I am just pointing out the irony that it is called “The Greatest American Hero” and the logo is Chinese.

        I think that this movie would be great to make. I have never even heard of the original and now that I have I don’t think I will try to watch. But the concept reminds me of Hancock and I always liked the concept.

      2. Yes the original tv series was fun at the time but would probably feel horribly dated now. As a teen I can remember I was enamored with it, but probably wouldn’t feel the same way now if I watched it for the first time.

        I hope this happens, having an actor such as Nathan Fillion who is on board just flames my interest in it more.

  2. I was a big fan of the show, and I would like to see Fillion reprise this role!

    I still to this day find myself humming the theme song, I just liked it that much.

  3. ” but the suit would be able to change and morph into whatever it is you needed him to do. So it could become armor, a scuba suit — you could do that stuff” – Fillion

    To add insult to injury:

    “I think Nathan is right.”- Rodney

    While in general do agree that an updated ‘Hero’ FX wise would be outstanding… you DO NOT “update” the suit to the point where it can transform into any other kind of a suit.

    If that’s Nathan’s take on this, I want his thoughts to fall on deaf ears and better minds. While I could “see him” as a cinema version of Ralph Hinkley (or, if one wanted to, a whole new character being in a long/short line of “those who wear the suit”) I do not see the need to update the suit itself

    Let’s take Fillion’s wish at face value. In a morphing suit, would we need the “red suit and black cape”? If it can morph then it can change into everyday clothes, or something that can remotely pass for something ubercool and not an intentionally silly red and black costume which provided a handful of long running (sometimes un-PC) jokes involving mental illness and sexual orientation In addition, part of the gag was the suit itself being non threatening looking but at the same time being indestructible and its wearer be invulnerable. Now, the obstacle was Hinkley not having “the manual” so he had problems taking off/landing in flight, among a few other things.

    So with this specific area I have to disagree with the actor and to a lesser extent Rodney. I also therefore have to disagree with the int’l friends with this regarding Nathan Fillion as The Greatest American Hero.

    I’m not against an update/remake. I am against changing the entire appeal of the series, however. Why make Greatest Amer. Hero undistinguished from other superhero type characters?

  4. I used to watch the show all the time. He lost the instruction manual that came with it. Nathan Fillion would definately fit the part if they ever make a movie.

  5. This I would love to see Nathan play. Being a fan of all his small work (from Firefly to Dr. Horrible, etc) I want to see him succeed and get bigger more high paying roles.

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