International Speed Racer Trailers Online

Two New Speed Racer Trailers have hit the net. Thanks to for the head’s up.

I don’t know why, but I am actually lookin forward to Speed Racer. I didn’t think I would at first as it looks cheesy as hell and the trailer is littered with corny dialog. But I think that might all be on purpose, which in a strange way makes it appealing again.

Its just ridiculous, and I think its supposed to be.

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20 thoughts on “International Speed Racer Trailers Online

  1. i have a feeling this movie will be insanely watchable.

    just listen to matthew fox’s line delivery. awesome. (in a day-after-awesome-day kinda way)

  2. The simple fact that the Wachowskis are amking this movie intrigues me. If not for their involvement I would have zero interest. But with them at the helm, I cant help but think they have something up their sleeve with this movie. Whether or not it works, who knows. But Ill give it a shot.

  3. Rod, just because a cartoon looks crude and cheese, does not mean a live action film has to. It may in fact be enjoyable to a small segmented fanbase. It’s even possible that expectations may be so low that the slightest glimmer of inspiration may seem like a wieght liftd off the shoulders….

    But this still looks like a mountain of dung.

    “Hate for the film”
    That’s funny Rod. Considering it’s the same statement used from those who occasionally accuse MB writers of the same darned thing when a trailer and/or set photos come out and are (in MB opinion) underwhelming.

    So here’s this….thing….and it doesn’t look all that great. Those that are unimpressed have “hate” for the film. Sheesh. People should know me better than that. I always see a movie before I praise it or condemn it. Will I catch up to Speed Racer (catch up to Speed, yeah right) on DVD eventually? Possibly. Am I going to skip in in theaters?
    Without a doubt.

  4. yea it looks kiddie and has bad acting and is too colorful….but thats what i remembered about speed racer. i actually smiled the whole way through the preview, so this is officially on my radar. yea it might be ass….but thats why weed was invented…

  5. I have no idea why the studio hasn’t removed the Wachoswkis from this film based on the trailers alone. This looks so terrible that it isn’t funny. I have no idea what kind of film this is going to be because the characters are all in melodramatic mode while the car scenes are like they were made by someone on acid and some Hot wheels.
    Hopefully it’s the trailer guy who is royally fucking up here.

  6. looks corny in a good way if that is possible. I can’t believe anyone would complain. Were people expecting a serious Speed Racer movie? It looks great for what it is worth. I love how they talk in it like they do in the cartoon.

    Reminds me of F-Zero videogame.

  7. Darren, Why so bitter about this movie. Yes it is cheesy, but so was the original cartoon. Most people who this movie are aimed at are not illiterate degenerates who did not go to school. That’s pretty harsh and doesn’t make a lot of sense.

    Its aimed at those who want senseless entertainment in their movies. Its eyecandy and not much more. But that’s fine too.

  8. Cheer up, UK Andy.
    Anyone and everyone who has passed at least the first grade in thier youth is out of this film’s demographic. In fact, anyone who does not want to robbed of time and money is out of the demographic.

    But I’ll play fair.
    This generation does need a film to get tweaked to. They don’t call it Speed Racer for nothin’.

    Rollercoaster ride my ass. It looks more like that one ride they used to have at Disneyland where they lined you up on this round wall and you would spin at a high ‘speed’ and not know it, but if you didn’t look straight ahead after the ride was done, you would risk getting dizzy..

  9. I was never a Speed Racer kid. I don’t know anything about it really. When I heard about this project, I forgot within minutes. I went to see 10000 BC (there are some things you wish you could unsee) this weekend and saw the trailer. The colors, man…just look at the colors. I’ll see this movie, if for no other reason, than because it looks like cotton candy, lollipops, and ice cream for the brain. I’ll just put my mind in neutral and have fun. Of course, I’ll take my nephews and pretend like it’s all for them. Keeping up appearances is so important, you know?

  10. Can you imagine watching this stoned? Sweet Jesus!

    And I really have no interest in this. I took my little cousin to the movies over spring break, and they played this trailer, and the kid just about shat himself with excitement. “Kristina, let’s go see that!”

    Let’s not.

  11. @tobor. Thanks for reading.

    I said I wasnt interested in it to begin with because it looked cheesy. Some of it does look awesome, most of it is just cheese. The only parts I think look good are in the cars… actors, dialog, people… all look too silly to work.

    I never took the idea of this movie seriously, so maybe that is why I am beginning to enjoy it.

  12. Yeah, this looks like it will be “rollercoaster” type fun, and Im looking forward to it.

    The Wachowskis will deliver on the visuals and I have a feeling that behing all the “cheesey” dialogue there will be something more, some decent sub-text.

    Count me in on this.

  13. rodney: you don’t know why?? cause it looks awesome and you don’t want to admit to it, lest you get burned by the fan boys.

    this is gonna be spectacular fun. as i commented on io9, this is what speed racer looked like to my 6 year old brain all those years ago. so i can’t wait to see this. goofy dialog and all!

    taking this movie too seriously will be a detriment to your enjoyment of it.

  14. So boring. Those are really badly made trailers and they look extremely cartoony and video game type which they should have never thought of doing it in the first place.

    I will wait for paul ws anderson’s Death Race. Atleast that movie will have intenity and look kickass.

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