Mila Kunis, best known for That 70s Show and her voice of Meg on Family Guy, has been picked up to join the cast of Max Payne which is already filming in Toronto Ontario, starring Mark Wahlberg.
Mila Kunis has joined the cast of Max Payne and will play an Assassin. Max Payne is the stylish, urban, revenge-driven story of a fugitive cop with nothing to lose.
Max Payne is a very cinematically laid out game. Part of the game’s style features Max self narrating his own dark tale in the form of a graphic novel. He even acknowleges this at one drug enduced dream with statements like “Even before I saw the words forming above my head, I knew an inner monologue was coming on”.
In Max Payne, Mona Sax another assassin with whom Max Payne has a love interest in the sequel does make an appearance. I wonder if Mila will be playing this role. Would that mean they are making the Max Payne movie blend both 1 & 2? Or are they sharing the character with us as just a cameo to tease for a sequel?
The game featured the ability to enter a “bullet time” mode courtesy of the Matrix, so I hope we get to see that in this movie as well.