Chain Letter Movie

BetsyrussellSome ideas just scream for a film to be made about them. It looks like the crew from the Saw series of films are going to do a horror movie about naughty teens that don’t complete their chain letters! We get the scoop this morning from the elder caves of Yahoo:

Nikki Reed, Noah Segan, Keith David and “Saw III” and “Saw IV” lead Betsy Russell will star in “Chain Letter,” the tale of a maniac who targets teens when they fail to forward chain mail.

“Saw” producer Mark Burg and Roxanne Avent are executive producing the horror feature, which introduces the chain-wielding killer Chain Man (Michael Bailey Smith). Matthew Cohen, Cody Kasch, Michael J. Pagan, Cherilyn Wilson, Reed and Segan play his targets. Clifton Powell will play their high school coach, and Russell and David will play the police officers on the killer’s tail.

This sounds like a perfect setup for a classic slasher film as far as I am concerned. I am not a huge fan of the Horror genre, but my preferred poison if I must watch one, is the slasher film. I was a youngster in the 80’s and it was a good decade for psychos with blades. Being dismantled slowly with an edged weapon is a bad night out.

It is the commonality of the weapons that is the most bothersome. Cleavers, axes, scythes – these are items that anyone can get from a local hardware store; combine any of these with a person of mind bent on slaughter and viola – murder! Anyone can snap and start to chop away at others, all you need is a reason, a knife and you’re off to the races.

A chain letter is as good a reason as any for a deranged teen killer. With so much junk mail in our inboxes, this is certainly something everyone reading this article will be able to relate to. Some of the warnings on chain-letters have delighted me in their proclamations of doom and woe, they go into great detail about what will happen should I fail to make my deliveries. A movie where the warnings are enforced will be good use of a common annoyance.

I will continue to hunt for news about his project, and will keep you posted.

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49 thoughts on “Chain Letter Movie

  1. In one scene of the movie, the dec’s computer screen read:
    Does anyone know what that means? I can’t help but feel there is a hidden message there. Please help and thanx.

  2. i love nikki reed in this one. she looks super cute. i just hope she survives from getting killed by the chain man. can’t wait for the release on aug. 6th.

  3. I have high hopes for chain letter. especially if mark burg, roxanne avent and deon taylor work as a team to create an awesome horror movie. its bound to be a good one. based off of the trailer, it already caught my attention. I eagerly wait to watch the whole movie.

    1. i dont have a specific date to when its going to be released but it was mentioned somewhere that the movie is going to be released sometime in spring. so it should be coming out soon since we’re almost in winter

  4. I got a chance to see chain letter at the sac film festival. The movie is well put together! The director Deon Taylor had a chance to speak about it when the film ended

  5. I went to Deon Taylor’s website too and Chain Letter looks like the ultimate classic slasher thrill. The kind of horror movies i grew up with next to Jason and Freddy Krueger.

  6. Just seen the trailler for this movie, Looks pretty crazy, I saw it on along with his other films that will be coming out.

  7. I cannot wait to see this movie, Nikki Reed is smoking, and after her performance in Twilight I am a fan. Look’s like its going to be a good horror flick- does anyone know when it is coming out?

  8. This sounds similar to Christopher Pike’s novel of the same name, but very different as well. This movie sounds like it is going for the R-Rated crowd…accurately done, Pike’s novel should be made as a PG-13 flick. This movie sounds like it might have a supernatural element, which Pike’s novel does not…until the sequel (which was great but upset many fans at the same time).

    Pike’s book “Fall into Darkness” was made into a television movie back in 1996. It was a flop with the fans. Reports of making other novels into movies have not proved accurate.

  9. I’m the Cater who still has not been paid by Deon Taylor Productions, Roxanne, Skip, Steak they are all liars 40 days after the fact, we worked our asses off catering to every need, and in return we get nothing but the run around this Company is going down they rely on investors to pay ther debts and mis-manage the mean time my employees were paid by my company and now I have to get my attorney to collect what I have coming to me. So be warned a signed contract means nothing when it comes to final payment…What goes around comes around, Chef Troi

  10. The cain letter may be a gore fest but nothing is more horrendouse than the producer Dion Taylor NOT paying a sum of 60k + to the catering company who supplied foods and service to the film and its crew on nearly a 24 hour bases. As an employee I can not get paind until my employer gets paid. DION, SKIP, Roxanne.. shame on you shame on you shame on you. Hope your film falls into the bucket along with all the fake blood and body parts.

    STupid stupid film

  11. i helped on a couple sets for the film. most of it was filmed in the small town of Hood, in a large warehouse. just outside of Elk Grove.
    if you like the Saw movies ( how gross they are ) you’ll love this. young lady gets ripped apart while chained to her dads car. nasty!!

  12. It ought to be good, good idea, nice level of violence, but not over the top. But F Betsy Russell. She’s a bitch and a horrible actress. Apparently it pays to be the wife of an Executive Producer.

  13. At the risk of sounding super nerdy, I’m pretty sure this is based on the Christopher Pike novel of the same name. Pike wrote awesome, messed-up teen novels in the 80s and I’ve always wondered why his stuff hasn’t been made into a film before.

  14. Sounds like a good concept. Real appeal for help gets ignored because people think it’s a fake chain letter, momma dies, momma’s boy not happy, kills some teenagers. Fun ensues.

    Finally we might get a break from redneck killers.

  15. This sounds pretty interesting. I was wondering what was taking so long to see this concept come to life.

    Having Michael Bailey Smith play the chain saw wielding chain man is a good sign that this villain will be super scary.

    He has played scary villains in Hills Have Eyes remake and its sequel, and in the atrocious ‘Monster Man.’ Looking forward to hearing more news!

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