New Joker Image From Empire

The gaggle of geeks over at Empire magazine offer up this new cover which features a brand new shot of Heath Ledger as The Joker from the upcoming batman movie “The Dark Knight”. Personally, I’m sorta indifferent to it. We’ve seen him in the make up already… this is just another pose in the same clothes.

Still… this movie is going to rule!


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25 thoughts on “New Joker Image From Empire

  1. i personally enjoyed all of nolans movies so far, and i am confident that tdk will kick some major ass with what theyve shown so far, but heres my concern: third movie. blade 3, spiderman 3 and xmen 3 could have been better movies. i pray the 3rd movie doesnt BLOW. but then again, what if the second one does? heh- i almost HOPE the second one isnt as good as they are playing it out to be. leave the third one open to go out strong, if you catch my drift. Guess we gotta wait and see. ledger rules as the joker!

  2. I just looked at the full pic without all the clutter at that link that CW05 so graciously provided above, and it isn’t much better. It’s much clearer, but I dunno if it’s the angle of his face or what, it just looks odd to me. That being said, I thought the Tumbler looked odd when I first saw it, and I ended up loving the damn thing. I still have faith in Nolan after the bang-up job he did with the first one.

  3. Eh…I’m not impressed. Looks like a home made Halloween costume…and a bad one at that. I fell asleep watching Batman Begins…it was so boring. I expect Dark Knight to be just as dumb. The two Tim Burton Batman films are still classic and enjoyable. These Nolan films seemed aimed at 40 year old fanboys who live in thier parents basement, and want Batman to be a documentary rather than a piece of entertainment.

  4. @Kristina

    I agree, the layout looks mixed up and that makes it look fake. I think they tried to make everything chaotic in the spirit of the Joker and ended up just making things look ugly and mismatched (Bat-sign especially).
    The Joker picture itself looks great though.

  5. GREAT PIC! the style chris nolan is giving the batman films is very interesting, this film is going to be so freakin good… and i agree with Phil Gee, no more pics… WE WANT THE FRIGGIN TRAILER!!!

  6. Is it me, or does his smile look less like the ‘slashed’ version we’ve all seen and more like the comic book version?

    For some reason he also looks a bit like Beetlejuice. Kinda weird, huh?

  7. It’s like looking into a mirror;)

    But please Mr Nolan, we’ve been patient. No more pictures, just give us a trailer. I actually had a dream about seeing the TDK trailer last night and i was pissed off when it wasn’t real.

  8. that is the best looking joker (in that it looks most like the comic book) that I have ever seen.

    how can you be indifferent to this??

    this is going to be fucking awesome

  9. @Roguepirate

    It’s not the wink. I think it’s the way that the picture is composed. It looks like the head was just slapped onto the body, and all of the text all over the picture along with that random Batman symbol at the top isn’t helping. I wish I could see the picture without all that shit in the way.

  10. I am guessing sdfdsfs preferred the old Batman movies with George Clooney’s Bat-nipples, the fisher-price themed gadgets, and totally awesome side-kicks?

    Please… Batman Begins was truer to the real Batman than the rest of the crap that hit the big screen. I am really looking forward to this movie.

  11. oh and props to the wardrobe and makeup department. The clothes are awesome and I’ve never seen a cartoon/comic Joker wear anything exactly like that before. Much better than Burton’s crap-tastic Joker. The makeup is also lookin good, doesn’t look like Heath Ledger at all to me.

  12. I really think this will be a difining performance of Heaths career and for the character of the Joker.

    The biggest concern I had about this movie was the lack of origin sory for the Joker. It has been said that this film is not “Joker begins” but rather “Rise of the Joker”.

    I LOVE origin stories so I was alittle upset, but the more I see and hear about this incarnation of the Joker, I think it will be better off this way. Let the fans speculate and create a mythos for the character based off of what we already know and what is implied in TDK. Im sure there will be hints and allusions to a history but nothing concrete. I think that will be pretty cool.

  13. You know, I had always been sort of iffy concerning Heath Ledger as The Joker. I think he can do great stuff, but has done a lot of work that I am either middle-of-the-road with, or just don’t care aboutaknightstale. This one image however, is one of madness and has such a sinister air to it, that I think I feel the rumblings of excitement for this film.

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