On the set of Indiana Jones 4 with Shia

Shia Labeouf talking about being an Indiana Jones fanboy, and his “moment” with seeing Harrison in the fedora for the first time.

Today marked the first day of prinicpal photography, but John still wont believe it until he sees a trailer, or when it does actually release. lol

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12 thoughts on “On the set of Indiana Jones 4 with Shia

  1. Shias a good actor,and hes still young so he has plenty of time to get better.Oh……and by the way this film is deffinately coming out.Dont get me wrong,I think Indy 4 is a real bad idea,but I still think its coming.

  2. i’m starting to like shia – say what you will about his acting skills, he seems like a really hard worker. i can see him getting better and better and really surprising people one day.

  3. I want to be Indiana Jones when I grow up……too late…..damm

    I guess I’m a nerd too than, cause I’d act the same way in his shoes. Meeting the great Han Solo…er….Indiana Jones and all.

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