Good Luck Chuck Poster

You know, this Good Luck Chuck poster could very well could be the single worst movie poster of all time. Sorry, I just can’t get enthused about this film. The PR person for this film even contacted me asking if I’d be interested in interviewing Dane Cook… I said “no”. Cook is just not funny, nor can he act. And as hot as Jessica Alba is… watching her on screen has become like an exercise in teeth drilling.


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55 thoughts on “Good Luck Chuck Poster

  1. From wikipedia:”The story of the unlucky-in-love, Chuck, (Dane Cook) who breaks up with his longtime lady, and is then shocked when he hears she is engaged to her next boyfriend. He finds himself repeating this pattern, and is hopeful that single women will seek him out as a date, so they too will soon find Mr. Right. He then meets Cam Wexler (Jessica Alba), a lovable, but clumsy penguin trainer, who changes his outlook on love. However he finds himself in a pickle as she constantly tries to convince him to have sex and he doesn’t want her to marry someone else.”

    How lame.

  2. What’s the tagline say? I can’t even read it. He has to break his WHAT before she breaks his heart?

    That poster tells me NOTHING about what the movie is about. And I’ve never looked up this movie, so I have no idea what the storyline is anyway. Someone clue me in.

    Besides the fact that poster looks absolutely fake, I couldn’t even TELL it was Dane Cook when I saw the poster, I had to read the story to figure it out.

  3. My first thought was that someone photoshopped a young Jeff Bridges into that poster. I was confused, but intrigued, and certainly more interested than the actual poster made me.

  4. It’ll be interesting to see if they change the poster, since the online consensus on other sites as well as this one is that this poster is shit. I mean, wow that thing is the WORST poster I’ve ever seen.

  5. Dane Cook kinda looks like Ryan Renolds from the side.
    As for the poster, I dont get why people think its crap, is it the layout or something. You all say it sucks like there is some exact imperfection that you all see and hate. I dont think that this poster exited a dogs anus and smells to me it just seams boring. Lacking in phizazz, thats my one reason (maybe thats what everyone thinks)

  6. The poster is AWFUL. It offends me that they would parody the Lennon/Ono picture. Granted they might be saying this movie is about two people who truly love each other like John and Yoko did, but to me it feels cheap. Perhaps I’m bothered so much because this is a romantic comedy (which are mostly hateable pieces of cinema) that will likely suck.
    I don’t find Dane Cook very funny and his acting roles are forgettable. I had to look up his movie credits to see if I had seen anything he’s been in and then I had to think if I remembered his character, nope, not so much. I vaguely remember his performance in Waiting. Granted I haven’t (won’t) seen Employee of the Month and plan on waiting to see Mr. Brooks when it’s on DVD or makes it way to cable.
    Jessica Alba needs to fade into the background and if she continues to “act” in these types of movies she will – I say the sooner the better.

  7. Are you guys kidding? This poster is hot. The movie looks great, and I think Jessica Alba and Dane Cook will have great chemistry. How can two such sexy people not?

  8. I avoid Dane Cook’s comedy like the plague – not because of him, but because of his fans. It’s just non-stop screaming girls that never stop. I swear, he’ll be in the middle of a story/joke, take a breath, and the girls will just start SCREAMING for no reason. They’ll scream at jokes that aren’t funny, they’ll scream when there IS no joke, they’ll scream when he drinks water, they’ll scream when he’s trying to TELL a joke, etc. It’s annoying. I can’t stand it.

    BTW, Dane Cook did a good job in Employee of the Month. And that poster SUCKS.

  9. His stand up is ok, his acting is something else. I see in time he could be good, but not lately. Havent seen MR.BROOKS so I reserve the right to change my mind… like others of late.

  10. Ok I agree that the poster sucks HARD, but I’m sorry, Dane Cook IS a funny guy. Dane Cook’s Vicious Circle was hilarious, but I never did see Employee Of The Month, but even if he wasn’t that funny in that, you still can’t say he isn’t funny; or maybe you can, but you and the very very very few that agree with you will be alone, alone, alone.

  11. You know the movie will tank when the to leads won’t even pose for a poster shoot…they totally overlaid her head and his head onto other bodies…sad…
    Dane Cook can’t act – I wanted to pluck out by eyes for watching ‘Employee of the Month’. Alba needs a new agent, a little more acting lessons or work with an actor to learn from and get help with thinking about what your going to say to media before you say it as to not come accross as a dumb ‘sexy chick’ that want’s to be taken seriously.

    On a side note, John, is there anyone you would like to sit down and interveiw given the chance? Not saying your are or are not a jrnlst vs blogger – just wondering..

  12. I don’t love this poster but I think it’s creative in that they are reversing the typical gender roles, Alba being fully clothed and Dane Cook being almost naked. Maybe it rips off a picture of John Lennon/Yoko but I’m not a fan of them and thus really doesn’t bother me. Why not use an iconic image to promote a film? It’s not like it’s making fun of it, the only difference is he’s wearing underwear in this version.

    Also, I’m disappointed that John C turned down an interview with Dane Cook. I understand that it’s his prerogative as this is his blog but Dane Cook is arguably the comedic icon of this generation (and unarguably popular with many people) and whether you like it or not he’s getting a lot of movie roles. Plus he is going to cameo in Transformers! Anyways, I would have liked to see an interview from this site with good questions that most websites/publications might not ask.

  13. I think Alba is fine as an actress; I also think she sometimes takes part in crapfests which are beneath her in writing (Into The Blue, Honey), and I did like her in FF2, aside from one line of dialog.

    As for this poster, it fits the title. After all, Chucky got lucky…didn’t he?

  14. I think Alba is fine as an actress; I also think she sometimes takes part in crapfests which are beneath her in writing (Into The Blue, Honey), and I did like her in FF2, aside from one line of dialog.

    As for this poster, it fits the title. After all, Chucky got lucky…didn’t he?

  15. notice how danes arm has been enhanced with photoshop…

    notice how jessica albas picture acting abilities has been enhanced by photoshop.(and her head is tiny)

    notice how none of these enhancements will get me to pay for a ticket to see two horrible humans pretend to be actors.

  16. This poster is very creative in my opinion. I thhink the trailers look very funny for this film. Dane Cook is a great stand up, and this role finally seems to fit his humor well.

  17. Hey Bobby,

    You said:

    “I guess those people who keep inviting you to screenings that are for press only are in the blue also.”

    Ummm… noooooo. They invite me because it’s publicity, not because they want something jouralisticaly covered as a news story.

  18. Hey Bobby

    You said:

    “Because John is a “journalist” nowadays. Of course he will still claim he’s only a blogger that posts his views on all things movie related. Truth is he does basicly what all other journalists do, post news, review movies, interview folks etc.”

    What makes me a “journalist”? I’m no journalist. The primary thing journalists do is GET NEWS and report it. I don’t do that. Other people get news. Journalists get news and report it. All I do is give my personal opinion on the news that is out there already. No more no less.

    You can call me a journalist till you’re blue in the face… it doesn’t change the fact that I’m not one. I’m a blogger. That’s it.

  19. Movies like these is the reason why she isn’t considered a serious actress. I saw in the trailer she takes her pants off and shakes her butt of which I enjoyed greatly but she complains she wants to be more than just the babe in the sexy outfit and I think this girl is just stupid.

    I think she also said she doesn’t want to do nudity because she wants to be a serious actress but I think that can hurt her. Now I am not saying she should do it because I would get to see her nude but I mean take Diane Lane in Unfaithful. She had plenty of steamy sex scenes in that movie and it ended up getting her an Oscar Nod so I don’t know what goes through Alba’s head but she really needs to get a better agent or something because her career is going no where fast.

    The only reason she even gets movie roles is because of looks.

  20. To SEAN:

    Because John is a “journalist” nowadays. Of course he will still claim he’s only a blogger that posts his views on all things movie related. Truth is he does basicly what all other journalists do, post news, review movies, interview folks etc. I think you get my point. Also Dane Cook is pretty funny to me John so im sad you dont enjoy his stuff, too bad. Oh and yeah, SEAN, journalists for the most part are hypocrites if you haven’t noticed yet…

  21. That is the most offensive poster I have ever seen. I can’t believe Hollywood is making a spoof of the LAST photos of John and Yoko together, hours before his death. This is terrible. I didn’t care about this movie before but now I have a fiery, passionate hate for it. This upsets me more than a movie like “Chapter 27,” which I have hope for as a villainizing film. If they try to humanize Mark David Chapman then I’ll be super pissed but I think they’re going to go the right way with it. GOD DAMMIT!

  22. I’m sorry, but the Sleeping Dictionary was bad. It was a bad movie, yes, and Alba acted horribly in it. Maybe my opinion is stemmed from the fact that I have lived in Malaysia (where the movie takes place) for 8 years now, I actually take offense at what Alba or maybe the director tried to portray the Ibanese people as.

    The movie was horrible, the accent, while I am not expecting perfection as the Malay language is not a walk in the park for Westerners to learn, is ALL wrong, Alba acted just like any dumb Asian chick, even most translations in the movie was wrong!

    I understand that the Iban culture is not the whole focus of the movie, and the movie is not even the point here.. But seriously. As far as I’m concerned I do not think Alba acted the part, an Ibanese girl that stil live in long houses, with any truth or justice. To any Westerners everything that comes from Asia may look and sound the same, but this movie gets on my nerves so bad, including Alba. The other actors weren’t that good either, but maybe Alba just pushed my button the most because she’s the one trying to act as an Ibanese.

    The poster, btw.. is just disgusting. What the hell is Cook doing? Is he trying to be a contortionist? Hump Alba’s hips? Push Alba’s neck so it will go inside her body like a turtle? WHAT IS IT??!?

  23. i think dane cook is pretty darn funny, of course he’s only funny the first couple times, then i have to stash his cd’s away for a year before i can laugh at them again. and so far his movies havent been grand, but i actually found him the only believable character in Mr. Brooks.

  24. Alba is not all that awful. Check her out in “The Sleeping Dictionary”. It’s a good little film and she’s not bad. True, she doesn’t talk much but she does manage to convey emotion fairly well.

    I think she just needs some better material.

  25. Hey Twitch

    You said:

    “or stick to just posting other sites movie news”

    I think you’ve got us confused with another site. The Movie Blog is not, has never been, nor ever will be a news site. We are an opinion site. We’re just a blog.

    We don’t report the news. We just give our opinions on the news that is already out there

  26. To Twitch – Maybe the reason they win awards is because they won’t shill to just any celebrity that comes walking along. If John doesn’t think Cook is talented, then why be a hypocrite and interview him as if he was?

  27. You just turned down an interview with someone who is easily one of the hottest comedy acts of Gen-X and later generation? Sometimes I wonder why this blog wins awards. Take a chance and ask him some hard questions…or stick to just posting other sites movie news. /shrug

  28. Wow….that was more man skin than i needed to see today. Dane Cook isnt so bad when he sticks to stand up….this acting bender hes on is….awful.

    I’m just glad they put some nice big printed words over potentially disturbing imagery (dane cooks crotch) …..don’t need that in 6 ft high displays hanging over me as i walk the escalators to the theaters…ugh.

  29. I have to agree with John on this one.Jessica Alba made Dark Angel bad!!! Granted the stories were boring but you can tell if someone acts bad! She has never been able to rise above any material she has worked in and she was nothing special in Sin City…just hot looking!

    I hate to say it she, she needs acting lessons bad!!!!

  30. Hey Jason,

    I’m going to have to respectfully disagree with you a lot on this. I enjoyed Dark Angel… but her acting was horrible in it. Sin City was a great movie… but she was stiff as a board and delivered her lines with all the passion of a muskrat. Horrible horrible actress.

  31. Wow. It’s so obvious that they superimposed Cook’s image onto Alba. That’s one thing I hate about movie posters: they often look so bad in their attempt to put people together in a picture when they were obviously photographed at different moments. Just look at Sicko’s poster for a second: those are definitely not Moore’s hands.

  32. Who says Jessica Alba can’t act? She was very good in Dark Angel and Sin City and just hasn’t been able to rise above the material of some of the bad projects she has chosen lately.

    That might make her less than a truly great actress, but she can certainly act.

  33. come on lets all be honest… Jessica Alba should be in porn.
    she can’t act but is amazingly hott case closed.

    Awful poster doesn’t even look real transformers looks more real than that!

  34. This is a tastless spoof of the famous last portraits of John Lennon (taken with Yoko for Rolling Stone). Why spoof that photo? I’m guessing there’s no reason, nothing relating to the story of the film, other than some marketing guy or photographer thought it would be “cool.” They thought wrong… and Alba and Cook are are incredible annoying.

  35. I agree with you that he isn’t a good actor and his movies suck, but he is funny. I don’t know if you’ve seen his comedy act, but it is really good. Is it just me or are comedians having a much harder time becoming successful in television and movies. Even those that were able to breakthrough being a stand-up comic and act seem like they lost something. Chris Rock and Robin Williams seem like they are getting less funny anytime I see them and there movies struggle to do well. I would love to see a post by Doug on stand-up comedians in the movie business and why they struggle.

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