64 thoughts on “Gene Hackman: What Is He Thinking About

  1. ‘He’s thinking about whether he should take up the offer of starring in the next Superman installment. Entitled “Superman VS Gene Hackman” ‘

    This has already been done. It was a little side bet Hackman and Superman had many years ago. The loser of the fight had to wear his underwear on the outside of his pants.

  2. “Sigh, I will never understand this “CGI” fad, we never had that back in the day, I remember Christopher Reeve actually had surgury to reduce the size of his package…Brandon Routh is a pussy….fuck Kevin Spacey too, chump”


  3. Bedtime checklist: 1.Dip my sack in a bowl of ice cold water, Ilove a smooth sack. 2. Lick my pet parrot Gio until he says “Nice cock Gene”. and 3. A thorough Taint message. Goodnight Gene…. Oh yah, 4. don’t forget to spooge all over Faye Dunaways head shot from Bonnie & Clyde and stick it next to the other head shots on the wall …… Goodnight again. Sleep tight. Don’t let the bed bugs bite…..

  4. “Lets see now the measurements on this bathroom seem to be the same as the ones in my bathroom”

    *Hoosiers theme plays as he continues to check the measurements*

  5. “Which direction will my pee go next? Will I have two streams instead of one? Maybe it’ll just be another slow dribbler. Fuck it. I used to love the anticipation, but now…… Where was I.”

  6. He’s thinking about whether he should take up the offer of starring in the next Superman installment. Entitled “Superman VS Gene Hackman”

  7. Did I leave the stove on? No. Wait, maybe. I did make eggs, did I turn the burner off after that. I think I did…

    Wait, do I even have a stove. Huh…

    Why don’t I have a stove, why hasn’t this come up before? You’d think I would have needed a stove before this moment, at some point someone would have sait “Gene, why don’t you have a stove?” And I would have been like “I don’t know, what the hell happened to my stove!?!” And we would have laughed and made love long into the night.

    Hey, how did I cook my eggs this morning? Where those eggs? What did I eat?

    God I love me so much.

  8. Gene Hackman is thinking of the next life that he will destroy. Such is his power and charm that Gene Hackman does not kill you. he takes everything you hold dear and reduces them to nothing and so in the end your life is nothing. He will sleep with your wife, eat your dog, and staple your canary to his fists so that when he punches your kitten, the canary will pluck out their eyes.

    And he will open your mail before you get to look at it.

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