Paramount Issue Closed

Hey there… John yet again.

I just got off the phone with Paramount Senior Vice President Amy Powell. She was kind enough to call me from an Island (she is on vacation right now). She called to discuss the situation of Paramount taking down The Movie Blog yesterday .

Amy was an excellent person to talk with, and calling me from some beach while on vacation showed me a lot of class and that they are taking this issue seriously.

I’m not going to go into the details of the conversation, but I will say this:

1) I am now satisfied that The Movie Blog being taken down was a legitimate accident on Paramount’s part

2) That Paramount is going to take steps to make sure something like this never happens again, to either The Movie Blog or any other film site

3) That Paramount is legitimately sorry for the incident

4) And that Paramount is going to provide me with more Jessica Alba sex slave clones (well… we’re still negotiating on that one).

Amy and I will dialog more when she gets back, but I can tell you that I now consider this issue closed.

This whole ordeal has taught me a couple of things. The biggest of which is the pure power of the online community. When enough people speak, even the highest will listen. Taking a stand, no matter how small you are, can indeed produce results (I feel like Frodo Baggins for some reason). And the biggest lesson for all of us… Don’t fuck with Campea! (KIDDING!)

Seriously, thank you to everyone who has shown support through this, a big Italian middle finger to every one who said Paramount would never pay attention to this, and a special thanks to Amy of Paramount for taking this issue by the horns and making things happen.

I almost wish she hadn’t called me until tomorrow. I was pretty excited about setting Doug loose tonight on The Audio Edition with both barrels. Maybe I just won’t tell him about this. :)

I now consider this issue closed and we can all go with our regular scheduled programming.



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51 thoughts on “Paramount Issue Closed

  1. Ok I like this web site I am into reviewing movies myself, however;
    after seeing the review give to Pirates 2 I am sooooo Pisssed!!!!!

    First of all no one that runs this web site has ever made a full feature length film and so I would go so far as to say then that they dont know a DAMN thing about movies……

    So let me restate this a in a more simple way…..YOUR TOO DAMN CRITICLE of movies on this web site. PIRATES 2 was an incredible film.

    For example, try comparing it to an episode of lets say LOST….and you begin to clearly see the real porduction value inherant in this type of big budget movie…DONT be so hard on films…this is actually an UPBEAT FUN RIDE from begging to end AND you KNOW YOU WILL go see the NUMBER 3. If you say you wont then you realy are a liar. Anyway I like everything else about the site…Opinions are great so use them to your advantage if you too critical of others work it generally means you really can produce anything else of real value and if you could YOU WOULD ok so dont bullshit us with your indepth scathing reviews….or make me shut up and lets see your movie…..BECAUSE with the review you gave on pirates you sure sound like you could do a better job….. and we know how that would realy turn out….
    thanks !

  2. You sound like a spoiled child. You take some thing of thiers (a picture), use it for self promotion and want them to appoligize to you. Shame on you.

  3. Unbelieveable. I was listening to your last cast on my way home from work and thinking about what great mediums blogs and podcasts are. For the very reason that we (the consumer) can listen/read them when WE want not when some DJ, television executive, or some newsreader tells us we can read it. And the second reason is that there is no advertising and no interference from corporate America. Then I hear about this. Paramount has made amends. They have to. Blogs/Podcasts are OUR medium. The one true free medium left. And we won’t let them take it from us.
    John/Doug keep up the good work. You keep movie fans/non-movie fans around the globe entertained and amused on a daily basis!
    I think we need a Top 10 list of “Fight the Power” movies – PCU & Do The Right Thing come to mind.

  4. Yes, would you deny us the most anticipated Audio Edition of all time? If there was a problem, let’s have a rare Saturday edition!
    I’m gonna bitch to your hosting company if it doesn’t appear. That’s the only way to accomplish things around here.

    Can you laugh at that one yet?

    Too soon?

  5. It sounds as though the whole issue has been resolved with some class on both sides, which is a good thing. No blood was shed, no poo was flung, and no lawyers were retained. Wow. It’s as though some otherworldly, super-powered being has returned to show us all how to be better people. You know… Jesus. Who did you think I meant?

    Glad to hear things went well for you, John.

  6. Amy Powell and her entire “department” are a gigantic group of liars with no integrity. They know exactly what they are doing and got caught. Thank you, they needed to to get their hand slapped.

  7. So…

    after all this…
    where is the Audio Edition?

    What happened? John and Doug ran out of munchies?
    Or now that a truce is called, there’s nothing much to talk about?

    Oh…wait..I know. You’re making more Alba clones/sex slaves. Nevermind.
    You’re excused…for now.

    ha ha ha

  8. Well you guys are on the map for sure now. Hopefully this won’t permanently taint your ability to enjoy the movie that won’t be named when it is released.

  9. I wasnt going to weigh in for the fact that I didnt’ want to even threaten to pursuade you that you were wrong in any course of action you felt was necessary, but my initial reaction was “if they’ve apologized, let it go”…

    …paramount is a big company. things like this can get out of control within a corporation, but if they go to the trouble of apologizing I dont’ know what else can be done.

    I don’t know if that picture was so ground breaking as to warrant being taken down (i’ve seen it on forums out my ass), and I’m sure they were kneejerking to the situation on behest of someone who didnt know the score…but this kind of thing happens.

    what I hope is that you don’t do what normal podcasters would do and go anti-paramount. Please do what i’m sure you’re going to do anyway…keep a level head, put yourself above the situation and let the listeneer decide.

    Glad it’s all straightened out, John. CHEERS!

  10. I will gladly listen to Doug Nagy spit the best swearing at a deserved foe anytime.
    Seriously everyone thinks they can berate someone until they hear a stand-up comic who has to deal with drunk comedy night hecklers do it.
    It is a talent and I salute all comedians (except foxworhty and the cable guy because they suck hard).

  11. Wow, so I really hope that The T movie is still not gonna be talked about or I’ll probably stop listening to this site, I hate people who sell out after going ape shit about something just cos someone high up or enough money comes along. Don’t frickin get into bed with the devil Campea

  12. Man, some people here are too big Doug Nagy fans for their own good.

    I love hearing Doug going off, but only when its spontaneous….Something like this, I had a hard time figuring out what somebody would say that hadn’t been mentioned, and even though jokes are encouraged on the audio edition, I wouldn’t wanna hear Doug Nagy fire off 10 minutes of jokes he wrote in the last two days about the Paramount incident.

    This is quote possibly the best solution to the situation one could hope for, as long as John is satisfied, nobody should be able to complain.

    Afterall, none of you were wronged, only John.

  13. Congratulations, Campea!!! Glad to hear that the studio and this blog have made a peaceful resolution (not in an ‘Episode I’ way, mind ya).

    I guess you can now say to the haters and copycats that you beat Paramount (XD)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You don’t fuck the fans, and you don’t fuck with Campea!

    Now, PARTY IN THE HOUSE!!!!!!! I will be looking forward to your victory speech in tonight’s Audio Edition.

    See people, even a simple blog can make a difference! TAKE THAT, ALL YOU DOUBTERS!!!

  14. WHY!!!!!!!!!!!GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!WHY!!!!!!!!!!

    Why did she have to have reception?!?!? She’s on an island for fffing sake. I think we should boycott Transformers and Paramount in general for not giving us the legendary Doug rant that was surely coming up in just a mere hour or so.

    I’m all for movie studio execs kissing your ass, but I’d rather have taken an audio edition filled with glorious blod, venom and gore!!!!!!!

  15. I know Paramount runs the fluffest known as Entertainment Tonight, but is a coincidence that tonight’s ET edition had a whole freaking segment on a “film” that opens next July 4?


  16. glad they apologised you deserve it,hope doug is not too upset not being able to go medieval on their asses.a moral victory and a worthy one.

  17. She had to call today because they knew that the campea/nagy wrath that would have been poured out tonight would be the stuff of legend. Spontaneous fires popping up all over the paramount studios.

    I have to say though, causing us to miss the anticipated AE rant is yet another reason for me to be angry with paramount.

  18. John,
    Thanks for the update on the story. You really did get Paramount’s attention.

    You characterize the blog being taken down as an accident. How was it an accident if it was done on purpose?

  19. Well aint that something. I will regret we didn’t get to hear Nagy go apeshit. I am very suprised that she called you from vacation, good call on paramount’s part.

    Even cooler if they come through with the Alba Sex Clones.

    Now don’t get too cocky.

  20. awesome

    i thought you dealt with it in the right manner – power to the community!
    well done Campea & well done Paramount for apologising for the incident

  21. “I just got off the phone with Paramount Senior Vice President Amy Powell. She was kind enough to call me from an Island (she is on vacation right now)”

    This could have been an extra with some beach sound effects from the Paramount sound studio… ahh just kidding. Glad evrything is back to ‘normal’. It was pretty classy for Ms. Powell to call you personally from even her own vacation. Now I can watch my Paramount dvd’s.

  22. no shit the power of the online community!

    It was not even two days and the vice president of a masive company is calling a dude who runs a website out of his basement to apologize, and assure him it will never happen again.

    seriously though, would be super pissed if the Movie Blog was down for a considerable amout of time. Keep it up

  23. I’m with Zuke 150%.

    Good for you for standing up to the big guy and I’m also very impressed with Paramount for coming forth and solving this rather than ignoring it. I must agree that it shows a lot of class and I’m not feeling quite as angry at them now. I am still going to miss Doug going ballistic on the AE though. He’s so funny when he’s angry.

  24. WOW! I’m so glad to hear Paramount acted with class to resolve this fiasco – a Vice President no less!! Duly impressed!

    On the other hand – DAMMIT! Since yesterday, I’ve been looking forward to hearing Nagy going thermonuclear like he’s never done before. To make Hiroshima look like a friggin firecracker! Oh well… maybe he can just go off on some other random topic. Cuz, it probably wouldn’t be appropriate now for him to direct the rage toward Paramount after they came through with some class… Guess I’ll just have to drink myself out of this depression now…

  25. That is frickin’ awesome, dude. One question though… How does it feel to have made Paramount your bitch now? just kidding. but seriously, way to go man. Kudos to you for standing up to the MAN.

  26. God, tonight’s Audio Edition is gonna have to be 2 hours long just to cover all the shit that’s gone down.

    Yeah John, let Doug go crazy and angry and then tell him the good news at the very end of the podcast. Then he’ll get pissed at you.

    Still, certain people are gonna give you more shit for this now.

  27. awesome

    i thought you dealt with it in the right manner – power to the community!
    well done Campea & well done Paramount for apologising for the incident

  28. “And the biggest lesson for all of us… Don’t fuck with Campea! ”

    FUCKIN RIGHT! And if you to you’ll have to deal with a mean Black guy from Florida.

    I’m glad they kissed your ass Campea…you deserve it.

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