In House Business

Hey Guys, John here again,

Ok, I’m out of town at the moment, but thought I’d update you on a couple of things just FYI:

Doug and I did in fact record an Audio Edition that basically covered the whole Paramount drama. However, as I was editing it, I decided it would be best to not post it, and to just let the issue go. It’s done, no need to keep going on about it. However, the houds of hell won’t be able to hold back the fury of Doug if a studio let’s this sort of thing happen again or doesn’t live up to what it’s committed to.

I am sorry for no show, but as I said, I felt it would be best for everyone if we all just let it go for now.

I’ve had LOTS of people request the removal of the pop up ads on the sub pages of the site (You’ll notice that the main page has never had any popup ads in the irst place so my regular readers wouldn’t have to put up with them.¬† The fact of the matter is that those ads pay the bills around here.

BUT… I have listened to your crys from the mountain top.¬† FOR A TRIAL PERIOD I have decided to take those popup ads down and see what happens.¬† Perhaps the other ads will start to perform better without the distraction of the popups and make up for the lost revenue?

So that’s it.¬† Cheers folks!

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24 thoughts on “In House Business

  1. As much as I would have loved to hear the podcast, it’s classy of you to let the Paramount thing drop, John, so lets hope they can be as dignified.

    On the pop-ups – don’t care. I’ve never understood why they bug people so much. If they make you enough money to keep the site going, have as many pop-ups as you like. Damned decent of you to be so considerate of us readers, though.

    That makes, if my maths are correct, two acts of unbridled decency in under a week. Is everyone in Canada so level-headed? If so, I may have to move there. You’re still part of the commonwealth, right?

  2. Remember when you guys were talking about selling audio commentaries for various movies to generate income, well, how about putting that audio edition upfor sale, Im sure you would have plenty of buyers, lol, just the Doug rant alone would be worth the price of admission.

    think about it!

    And yes, I came up with this idea while trying to think of some way I could get my grubby hands on that edition.


  3. It wasn’t all pop-ups, just the one about “fixing my PC’s security problems”. I have a pop-up blocker, and it still managed to redirect me AWAY from this site. It got so frustrating that I stopped coming here.

    But you gots to pay the bills. Can’t you vet the pop-ups?

  4. I use Firefox and didnt even know you had pop-ups. but I think you should go for actual sponsor ads built into the site,rather than annoying popups that most Firefox users wont see anyhow.

  5. Very classes to let the issue twith Paramount go! You are a true gentleman.

    If the pop-up ads make you money then keep them on the site. They never bothered me and we understand your need for income.

  6. It’s a shame there was no Audio Edition but I’m glad it’s all sorted out. Does this mean you guys are going to continue talking about Transformers?

  7. I for one am glad the popups are gone. I hope it becomes permanent, and its very much appreciated that you’re willing to take them down when people tell you they’re intrusive.

    You’ve shown more class over this past week than I thought you capable of John, I salute you.

  8. Thanks for tossing the popups, John. For some reason, my Firefox install isn’t enough in and of itself to get rid of those, and some of them were actually redirecting to other sites. Yep…click on a story, and you end up at a completely different place after a few seconds. It was causing me to read your site less and less frequently.

    As you probaby figured out, techs like the majority of Digg readers don’t much care for popups even with popup blockers so you will probably build your traffic and ad revenue by dropping them given the recent publicity. Hope that’s the case…if not…bring the silly things back.

  9. Hey Pat and Mervingian

    I totally see where you guys are coming from. I just think that since Paramount apologized and is taking positive steps to make this whole situation right, then it wouldn’t be right for me to keep hounding on it.

    All has been forgiven (for now), so there is no reason for me to continue to try to bring bad publicity to Paramount.

    HOWEVER… I am holding onto the AE… just incase they go back on what they said.

    Cheers guys! And thanks for the comments.


  10. hey john,

    I definately agree with Pat, cuz god damn I want to hear that audio edition. In a way, this whole Paramount controversy could be good for your site cuz it created more publicity and probably got a ton more people to visit your site, which means more money for you. and if you actually posted the AE, it could be the most downloaded episode EVER thus fueling the internet public even more. I mean I think having your site down for 8 hours isn’t that big of a deal. and this free publicity is much better than if Paramount didn’t do what it did. Understand what i’m saying?

  11. I don’t see who or what it would hurt if you put it up….. just have a little disclaimer within the post. I’d say most people would like to have a listen to it.

  12. John, In the timeless words of the Notorius B.I.G f/ Junior Mafia….


    If pop-up ads are a source of funding…dude, use it. Often I listen to this show and I wish you guys were getting paid, because it’s so FUCKIN funny.

    I’ve paid money for less entertaining stuff.

    Oh and, Doug should also be selling FUCKING CDs of his standup and plugging them at the end or start of each movie blog. Hell, if dvorak can do it on Twit, ‘Doug the Hillarious’ should be doing it here, bottom FUCKING line.

  13. That’s very nice that you removed the pop up, but if it really helped with your revenue stream you should have kept them. It didn’t bother me none or detract from the site itself.

    But it is great to know you really listen to your audience, even when it comes to revenue.

    Nice to see some intergrity John. There is not enough in the world. Especially in Hollywood. Good job.

  14. I never found the pop-ups to be that big of a deal. Just get a good pop-up blocker and that’s that. Whatever you gotta do to keep the site in business is fine by me.

    Probably for the best you didn’t post up a new AE.

    But it sure woulda been fun to hear.

  15. Good call, John. And as for the pop-ups, whatever assists you in maintaining the site. They weren’t bothersome in any way. If it’s the cost of doing business, so be it. Until everyone starts making donations, sites don’t pay for themselves.

  16. ive never found the pop ups a problem (i use yahoo popup blocker),as for the audio edition glad you decided not to post it and let the issue go,we all say things in the heat of the moment and then regret it.looks like spiking dougs drink till he calms down tho…..

  17. The pop up was not uber bothersome in my opinion, but I think it was more the nature of it “Something is wrong with your PC” etc. have you thought of using a “pop under” maybe advertising a product people who visit may want. I don’t like pop under‚Äôs, but they are not as invasive and if its a product an actual product like maybe home cinema equipment related to the topic I don’t think people would be too upset. If you have to use the pop up again, oh well I understand you need to pay the bills, there are sites with far more offensive/intrusive advertising than one measly pop up.

    Have you considered a corporate sponsor of some kind, has enough traffic to go for that kind of sponsorship/advertising and it can be far more profitable than regular net advertising. “The movie blog is brought to you by *insert brand here*. You could also find a sponsor for the audio edition, again a kind of the audio edition is brought to you by. The best thing would be if it’s a product you actually believe in yourself, maybe something like Apple notebooks etc. As long as it’s just a quick announcement at the start of the show I for one would not mind.

  18. Dissapointed that no AD was posted yesterday. But it’s best to let go on that topic even though it would have been a good discussion topic.

    Theres on thing I would like you guys to discuss and thats the new Green Goblin costume. I’ve sent you a picture of it. I think it’s real shitty but it could be in early development.

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