Pirates of the Caribean 2 Getting Poor Reviews

Ok, you can color me totally shocked.¬† When I saw Pirates of the Caribbean 2 early last week, I walked out of it knowing I didn’t love it.¬† I still ended up giving it a 7/10, but was a little let down.¬† But seriously, I thought I might be the only critic who didn’t love it.¬† I thought everyone else was going to love it.¬† Looks like I was wrong.

I was really surprised to see that the critics aren’t giving Pirates 2 the loving warm embrace I thought they’d give it.

Right now on Rotten Tomatoes it only has a 53%
On Metacritic Pirates is holding just a 51%

These aren’t TERRIBLE numbers… but a LOT lower than what I expected.¬† Yes, Pirates 2 is an inferior film to the first one… but I still thought it deserved a bit better than 51 and 52% respectively.

As in everything else… you’ll just have to see it for yourself.

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32 thoughts on “Pirates of the Caribean 2 Getting Poor Reviews

  1. i absolutely loved this film. it is a great, i mean great film that is good enough for a whole family to watch. it is funny with a little serious to it. It is not one of these movies with the sex and gore in it and that is why i like it. more movies should be made like this one.

  2. What’s wrong with you people? “This movie was not great…me thinks trilogy blah blah, so I don’t like it”. Go make a movie like that, go direct that many people with so many different scenes and locations and go create that level of CGI perfection, then talk. For those who did not like it, well that’s cool. But for those who criticize the production and effort to entertain, if life made you a sad, unimpressed person, go masturbate in your own shit reading amateur hunters reviews.

  3. I wanted a pirate to kill me half way through the movie. Big Disney fan but not of this movie. I looked around me and half the show had either left or fell asleep. Give it a 2 out of 10.

  4. I thought the movie rocked. Yes it does leave a lot left unsaid but that’s the whole point. It’s a cliffhanger for the third one. I think once the third one comes out the trilogy will make much more sense and everyone will love it even more.

  5. dont listen to the negatives. this movie rocks.its funny,full of action,hard to keep track of whats happening, and full of heart,LITERALLY!yeah,ita a long movie,but i like that anyway.very different and inventive,much more than the first.if your looking for a swashbuckling time with great characters and of course,your jonny(good old jack).go see it,three times.you wont be disappointed

  6. I saw it Two days ago.

    First, it really doesn’t feel like 2 and a half hours when you are watching it. The action keeps you going and in the story. The feel in this one is more fantastic than historical as opposed to the first. There are more ships in this one which gives it more of a wide scale feel instead of the two or three ships that were in the first. The Caribean feels more active and realistic in that regard than the first.

    Also, in this one there are several groups all working for their own interests, instead of it being two or three factions trying to get their own agendas done, this one has as many as five factions vying for the chest at times.

    All in all I think it was a pretty good movie at times, although in some senses it’s a little darker than the first, but still pretty good. 8 or 9 out of 10.

  7. I was a huge fan of the first one. This one entertained me, but i just cant stand sequels that dont stand alone. It’s a rip off.

    It is my belief that a movie-goer should be able to watch the 2nd movie of a trilogy, and not have to see the 3rd movie to understand the plot.

    Box office numbers no longer relate to the quality of the product. Just the hype. Everyone has to see this movie, but i just wish there was a way to do away with these money making schemes the industry is using. A real bullshit move by Bruckenheimer. I was entertained. I think the critics are spot on with the 50-53%, and i hate movie critics.

  8. Honestly does not deserve it’s rating. it is a pretty good movie. what the Heck are they talking about it being a bad movie..it was pretty good( i repeated what i said before in one sentence) ..who cares. don’t take their word for it,just go see it for goodness sake it for what you see it to be

  9. EVERYONE I know who has seen it [this constitutes 6 people] has loved it. *shrug* I wasn’t a HUGE fan of the first one, but I really liked it. I’m sure it will be the same this time around.

    And I agree with ‘get carter’. Critics do not make or break a movie anymore. Not with the power of the internet. Now everyone is a critic and can share their opinion with the world without the need for a TV show or a newspaper or magazine.

  10. fuck critics.

    People don’t listen to critics anymore…if they wanna see something they go..if they don;t they dont…

    how much more proof do we need?

    pirates…55 million in one day. biggest opening day in history and the critics are dumping on it.
    superman…..critics fucking for the most part rave. all the big ones go nuts for it…..it took 3 days to make 50 million.

    I don’t think critics can make or break a film anymore…people are going to see what they want to see……the internet and sites like this one right here have destroyed the old fashioned movie critics standing i believe.

    anyway pirates 2 is absolutely amazing. I loved every minute of it and I will be seeing it multiple times.

    you think they are going to cream themselves about a film directed by michael bay about giant transforming robots next year john? no fucking way…….most of them will have already written their reviews already….fuck them

    pirates will surpass spidermans opening weekend take……130 million over 3 days is my guess…….

  11. Personaly, I disagree. I thought the movie was different than the first, as most middle bridge movies in trilogies are, but still carried the wit and emotions of the characters through a new and thrilling adventure. i was searching the internet for reviews, and other than this site, I found only one proffesionally written review stating that the movie was a let down (it was written by New Yorker, go figure.) All the other reviews raved about the movie, or at least granted it the compliment of being as clever and exciting as the first. i STRONGLY recommend this movie. I know you will enjoy it!

  12. 55.5 million dollars on it’s OPENING DAY. Ladies and Gentlements, it’s a new record. With this kind of opening day, it’ll easy to Pirates brake opening weekend record (114 million, Spider-Man).

  13. I really loved this movie.. I thought it was better than the first because the plot and story was thicker. The was alot more Comedy in this one to which I liked. All the actors were great in my opinion. Depp of course is like a role model for me. I would love to be a movie actor like him some day but being a 19 year old in San Antonio Texas its hard to even to land any roled in anyhting but student films:( I can dream though. Mabey for those who didnt like the movie over hyped on it and thats why it was a let down.. dont think about the movie until you see it then you enjoy it better cuz you have less expectations that your imagination can build up. I loved the movie. I really did. Can’t wait for the 3rd one.

  14. I liked it… I mean, it was no where on par with the first one, but it was a decent film with an interesting ending and cool special effects. A summer flick at the most. But not warranting so low ratings, I mean, it was better than that.

  15. What were people expecting? the first was not exactly a great piece of art – it was a fun, rollicking good time. People were suprised because Johnny Depp previously did not seem to have much of an onscreen sense of humor or willingness to look silly but all and all, it was just a fun time.

    The 2nd is longer and not as much fun – but then you already know the characters. It’s fun to see them together and yes, the movie is a bit long and not very realistic but what the hell do people want?

    The movie is BASED ON A THEME PARK RIDE!! Hello?!!!

    It’s not as though it’s from Tolstoy – it’s just mindless summer fun and yes, the movie is convolutued and the plot you can kick holes through but it’s fun to see the three of them together again along with the favs of the supporting cast from the first movie.

  16. Once again…I have to agree with Martin UK on this.

    I haven’t seen the new Pirates yet, but I sure hope it isn’t the case of “if I don’t like the second one, I haven’t seen the third one, so I must not critique it”. Let me second that” what a crock of crapola.

    I’m sorry- if a second movie is a crapfest, will people really want to see a third film?

    I’m not saying this is a lousy film – yet- but what my point is here is that it really irritates me when the second film is only a setup for a blowout of the third film. I’m sorry…if the second film is not as good as the first or even “the third movie”. It still goes down years later as a horrible film.

  17. Sad. Oh well. I have read on some boards that some credits are being ridiculous with reviewing this movie. Apparently one critic said that since Jack Sparrow doesnt seem like a gay icon anymore, it sucks. Didnt read up the review. Oh well. I found this to be the best movie of the summer. Possibly the year. Incredible CGI. Awesome over the top action. I didnt get upset over the “change” in characters this time around. They seemed to change well for the situation. I understand what you mean by the change, it just seems that the stakes are higher in this for the characters and they were just trying to do what they had to do.

    I have never been to this Rotten Tomatoes web site before and I doubt I will ever go. I have read from other people its actually quite unbalanced in its scales.

  18. Well, since I’m at it, if any of the International Friends happen to be from Vancouver, BC – V-Con (Vancouver’s Annual Sci-Fi/Fantasy Convention) is throwing a “Line Party” at the Paramount Theater on Burrard Street tonight starting at 8PM. Costume contest, prizes and swag will be dolled out to the crowd. Come on by!

    Sorry for the selfish promotion. But since it’s on the subject, hope that’s ok. Otherwise, feel free to remove it.

  19. John,
    Oops, I wanted to ask you in the above post, but forgot:
    As the middle film in a triogy, would you say this compares more to say, Back to the Future II or Matrix Reloaded? Or if neither, what would be similar in quality and style?

  20. It’s only about five minutes longer, so not much difference there.
    As for the critics, I think they’re using the negativity they were ready to use on the first one, but couldn’t as it exceeded everyone’s expectations. Now, there’s the built-in bias against sequels, plus the tendency to diss Bruckheimer and nothing new coming out of left field to surprise them, so I think they were just waiting to unload on this one.
    The big question is will this invite repeat viewings? That was where POTC made their money. All the teenyboppers went to see the original over and over and I’m not sure if they’ll be thrilled enough to go back time and again.
    But, as for the reviews themselves, they’re all over the place. Some compare it to The Empire Strikes Back with lots of high scores. By the same token, there’s quite a few low scores, and of course, the middling ones. There doesn’t seem to be one set consensus you can use for this film.

  21. Oh no. Not another “You have to see the entire trilogy to judge it” movie! Remember the last time that happened? Now I’ve seen the entire trilogy Matrix Reloaded is still a bad movie. It needs to stand alone. Cliffhangers, plot threads unresolved, all fine, but if the movie is no good by itself then it’s a shitty movie. Empire Strikes Back leaves a whole lot of stuff unanswered but you can still watch it by itself and have a good time.

    I liked the first Pirates. The hype surrounding it was mental but an easy 7/10, I reckon. My main problem with it was that it was just way too long. I hear this one is longer. I love movies but I also love the ability to walk after they’ve finished.

  22. I would say it’s a bou a 50% movie as well. It basically just copied the formula from the first film. I’m not sure why I expected it to be any different, but I was. It just didn’t live up to the hype for me. It was fun, but not as fresh and magical as the first one.

    Theaters in my area (Minneapolis) were showing four or five screens last night at midnight, and they were all PACKED. This movie is going to make a fortune. $100 million easy opening weekend.

    ~ Drewbacca

    P.S. The audience went ape shit for the Transformers trailer.

  23. Really? I’d give it an A-. I think it lives up to the first film, and also remember, we are dealing with the second chapter of a trilogy, so the story didn’t get resolved and we have yet to see how it works with the rest of the series. Matters like this often conflict some people.

    Anyways, this is just critics nitpicking, probably. Judging by the quotes on rottontomatoes.com, it looks like they are just teearing apart every minor flaw, but the ones that loved it, like Peter Travors from Rolling Stone, just bypassed the problems and just had fun with it.

    I saw it last night, and all five screens were sold out by 10 o’clock(it was a midnight screening) and trust me, the crowd loved the movie

  24. I haven’t seen the movie yet but I will soon. I was never big into Pirates of the Caribean all too much. I would have given the first one 6 out of 10. Which for me would be just above average.

    I booked by tickets for Superman today, my god I can’t wait :O

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