38 thoughts on “Great Venom Pic

  1. Okay, just realized that this is shot of Topher turning into Venom. Everything I said about what happens to Spidey in my previous Spoiler Alert post still stands. My guess is that maybe they have Brock (who by this point was pretty much hated and was stalking Spider-Man in the comics) go up to where Spidey removed the costume to see what it was all about, and then… BAM! Venom.

    That’s all I got.

  2. Hi Guys,

    Just to add my fanboy geekdom, this shot is actually probably one of the symbiote costume being removed from Spidey, or at least of him trying to remove it while it clings to him. Here’s how it happened in the comics and how it looks to happen in the film based on what I’ve seen in this pic and in the teaser they released.


    The clock you see in the background is from a Church tower (Scott pointed that out in a much earlier post) but in the comics this is where Peter Parker goes to remove the alien costume. In the comics, the alien costume is very sensitive to sound. It was originally removed by Reed Richards using a sonic gun and imprisoned in the Baxter Building. The alien managed to escape and found Peter Parker again and tried to permanently graft itself to him. Realizing what was happening, and knowing he didn’t have enough time to get all the way to the Baxter Building, Spidey did the only thing he could and crashed himself into the bell tower of a church just as the clock was striking noon. The noise from the tower bell removes the costume and Spidey escapes. (It seems as though the costume dissolves into nothing from the sound, but obviously that doesn’t happen because it re-forms and finds Brock to become Venom.) For a comic book, it’s a pretty cool scene, and I can’t wait to see it on the big screen.

  3. Yahoo also had an article yesterday about the Spidey 3 screening at Comic con briefly summerizing what was shown in the trailer and discussions between the cast/audience. The following was noted about Bruce Campbell’s status in this film….Actor Bruce Campbell, a Raimi-film regular, also makes an appearance in “Spider-Man 3,” the director said. He’ll play a new character, who fans believe will be the villain Mysterio.

    I also saw the comments about Parker being a villain too, but don’t think the studio is viewing him as the 4th villain. Not sure what Tobe was thinking either when he commented about not knowing whether there would be any more good stories to tell with doing a 4th film. Where the hell has he been — has he never read the comic or saw any of the cartoons??? I’m not saying that they need to make 8, 9, or 10 movies….but they could definitely do another 3 or 4 very successful movies and he’d be an absolute assclown not to do them. One film could be the Lizard, and the last film could go out with a huge bang by having the Sinister Six!!!

  4. I gotta agree with what GetCarter said above. There’s almost TOO MANY villains. Sandman, Venom, and the HobGoblin plus Parker going evil, plus Gwen Stacy, and MJ dealing with Peter being Spidey. You’ve got like 2 or 3 movies worth of stuff to pack into 2 or 3 hours. That means you’ve got to cut down or rush through lots of important character development stuff.

    I’m glad they’re doing Venom. I just hope they devote enough screen time to doing the Venom story right, not just throwing him in there for the fans.

  5. Ahhh so people do see me lol ^^, as for the trailer yeah…im just soo hyped up, anyone have a clue as to when studio’s release a trailer like this at comicon how long after its released to the entire world? aka the internet?XD

  6. This looks great. I know a lot of people are down on the Venom character, but I’ve been hoping to see him in a live action film for years. I really liked the first film, and I LOVED the second one, so I hope Raimi and co are going out in a blaze of glory for the third.

  7. I really like this pic. Dark and scary. It almost looks like the person in the pic is Topher Grace.

    BTW, It is a nice idea to have Spidey and a villain. I guess that would make it Sandman, Venom, Green Goblin, and the Symbiote Spider-Man costume vs. Peter Parker.

    Interesting idea. Spider-Man as a villain wasn’t a big surprise to me. But, to have him as a villain is very interesting. I just hope all “four” (hey, a hero is a villain.) villains are main ones.

    Somehow, I think I may feel sorry for Parker before this is all said and done. ;)

  8. I really just dont believe that this is the last Spiderman. Maybe this is the last one with Tobey and Sam and they will do Clone saga or some shizzle but i just dont see them being able to make a hard ending with this….

    John did you see the poster with sandman protecting the child…it is amazing.

  9. If you go on the superherohype boards some guy put up a little clip of Brock turning into Venom. This was taken at comic-con by one person. The clip is blurring but you can see Brock falling to the floor as the the symboite starts to merge with him. You can see the 16inch tounge whipping all over the place as the camera moves right in Venoms face. The look of Venom stays true to the comic book. I’m loving the Venom pic. I set it as my background.

    The only thing I don’t like is Harry, who is wearing a speluking/samurai suit.

  10. that looks fucking sweet but I am now a bit worried about this film…..

    look at what they have to put into one movie…

    harry/goblin(hob or grenn..whatever)
    gwen stacey
    the symbiote costume and venom…..

    that is a lot of stuff to explain and introduce and set up etc etc in one film and not have it feel rushed……..

  11. Know I love this picture but doesn’t it seem a little early to be showing this. I would expect this photo next winter not now. I’m just starting to wonder what secrets do they have left. I know hundreds but still Venom is something I want to see when I sit down in theaters not a year before.

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