Bryan Singer Talking Batman vs Superman

The one movie that has the potential to catch my passion even more than "the film that shall no longer be named", would easily be a Batman vs Superman flick.¬† Ever since I first read "The Dark Knight Returns" I’ve been dying to see a screen version of Batman and Superman together… and coming to blows.

Now, (thanks to Cater for the heads up) the good folks over at Moviehole are saying Bryan Singer wouldn’t mind taking a shot at a project like this… after another Superman film that is:

Initially, director Wolfgang Peterson had planned to make the film ‚Äì based on a script by ‚ÄúSe7en‚Äù writer Andrew Kevin Walker ‚Äì but he eventually pulled out (because of numerous reasons, including the inability to find a fitting Superman and Batman) to make swords ‚Äòn‚Äô sandals epic, ‚ÄúTroy‚Äù. This was long before Warner decided to greenlight ‚ÄúBatman Begins‚Äù and ‚ÄúSuperman Returns‚Äù. Today, Singer tells MTV that he‚Äôs considering the ‚ÄúBatman Vs. Superman‚Äù film ‚Äì but not before The Man of Steel has a couple more singly adventures. "I’ve thought about it for a long time ‚Äî even a longer time ago, actually," the director revealed. "But I don’t know who would be the villain. I guess Batman would be the villain, but then he can’t be too bad, because he is Batman‚Äù. In Andrew Kevin Walker‚Äôs script for ‚ÄúBatman Vs. Superman‚Äù, Lex Luthor and The Joker are the villains. In the story, the crooks team up. Batman‚Äôs lover is killed. Channels of communication are mixed. Fingers are pointed. Bam! Suddenly Batman and Superman are duking it out.

Ok, I’m not thrilled with the Walker script idea, but the basic concept is sound. Have Sups and Bats going at it! Hell yeah! In the comic, Batman beats the crap out of Superman… twice. And both times it’s glorious (don’t get me wrong, I love Superman).

My frigging kingdom to see this flick! Do it Bryan! Do it! Maybe Batmen accidentally kills Superman’s bastard kid at the same time Superman accidentally kills Katie Holmes. YES YES YES! Now EVERYONE is happy and the two of them can kick the piss out of each other for 90 minutes. Yay!

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31 thoughts on “Bryan Singer Talking Batman vs Superman

  1. This would be a badass film i think both nolan,and singer did an excellent job on both films.Putting that aside we all know superman is the man of steel,but even steel melts. And steel being a great conductor of electrcity maybe batman will shock superman into a christmas tree,with a big S on the top standing for STAR(not superman).

  2. ok so this would def be one of the best movies as long as a good director is at the helm. But thinkin about it Batman vs Superman… I have to say its mind of muscle and Batman would win. Yeah so its the same excuse everytime, Kyptonite, nut ladies and Gents its that little green or red rock that brings this man of steel to his knees. Know why would a little rock be able to bring down this being who is pose to be all powerful… cuz he is weak!!!

    Don’t get me wrong Routh was great in the Superman returns, but Bale would def kick his ass night or day. He is a dark knight and I think his inner darkness is his power and his determination is why he would win.

    So bring it on, i think its a movie to get both superman fans and Batman fans together to see who is indeed the better DC character.

  3. To all you Superman haters out there, just for your information, Superman could and will kill that rat with wings on any day, week, month of the year. Just because Bruce Wayne has money to make pretty useless gadgets, doesn’t mean he has the power to defeat the WORLD’S greatest superhero. Go ahead and make this film, though it might only be a one second movie, not including the credits. Bratman will come on screen, say something to Superman, and then Superman will rip him in half like a wet carboard box. The credits will roll and Superman will be victorious, END OF MOVIE!!!!!! SUPERMAN RULES!!!!!!!!!

  4. Hey to You all Batman Haters
    you freaking simpletons, how sure are you that supermna can beat the hell out of bats… you A**holes are doing a big mistake underestimating the dark knight… and in terms of war, you must never, and i mean NEVER underestimate your enemy….

  5. i know no one asked me, but in my opinion, batman would kick the big blue bloody boyscout to his pigsty. If you read the comics, you would realize that batman is the only human truly capable of taking down the big S.

    In the JLA comic “tower of babel” batman did not use the green kryptonite ring that Supes gave him as a last resort. His contingency plan involved red kryptonite and the sun.

    I think that the movie ought to follow the dogma and make bats and supes duke it out because of superman’s disapproval of batman’s “extra-legal” methods.

    As for batman’s anger: batman hates having super-powered heroes mess with his city.

    Oh yeah, and bruce wayne now owns the daily planet so he can just fire both lois and clark and watch superman starve to death.. lmao

  6. Well there no need 2 do this movie cause Superman will clearly win. What the hell will Batman have i freaking car and some gadgets. Superman is an actual super. The only disability Superman has is Krptonite. But if one Batman gadgets breaka, WELL HE WILL SHIT OUT OF LUCK. Gotham City will be flooded with criminals.

  7. Personally, I think the idea of kicking superman’s ass a stupid one, honestly he’s the man of steel. Sure there is kryptonight, but that’s the same excuse every freaking time. Hell why not just say “John Campea vs Superman” and I’m sure a pipe and some kryptonite would do the trick. The whole thing seems boring unless it’s from the mental standpoint. Honestly, I don’t like superman that much, if I was him I would have searched the planet for all the kryptonight and gotten rid of it a long time ago. Really, all superman has to do is get batman in the middle of nowhere and drop heavy shit on him, case closed. It’s not like batman can threaten “i’m gonna kill an insosent mentally chalenged bystander if you don’t kill me now”

    Someone pointed out the fact that batman is cheap and would use the kryptonite, so why doesn’t he use guns on a regular basis, heck, he’s batman, he could get ones with guided bullets i’m sure.

  8. This sounds like a good one for you John…a great story that has already been developed and the studio/director is going to take it and add in their own twists and completely ruin the whole thing. The graphic novels are stunning in their story weaving…both books catch your attention right off and dont let you go. This would make an AWESOME movie…IF THE ORIGINAL STORY IS FOLLOWED…the one written by Frank Miller.

    I would be first in line for the movie if it was made…as long as it follows the original storyline. The whole thing is right there in their hands and I would be willing to bet that Frank Miller would love to be a part of the project. But this is one of those Alien VS Predator things…great monsters/heroes who are fated to clash and on screen you would think that this is one thing that you just cant fuck up…but look what happened…AVP, Freddy VS Jason, ect. Dissapointment after dissapointment and so on and so forth.

  9. I could say: HELL YEAH! THIS IS FUCKIN’ GREAT!!! I HOPE TO EVERYTHING THAT IS RIGHT THAT SINGER WILL DIRECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But heres the truth:

    I was a bit more looking forward to a “World’s Finest” kind of crossover. That concept alone would be great. However, the idea for a “Vs.” movie is quite good, and should follow the same approach as the famous ‘Dark Knight Returns’ story from Frank Miller. The trouble is: someone may have to play a “bad guy” (though Freddy vs. Jason kicks ass, Jason felt more like a “good guy”. Then again, I aways prefer Freddy as the “bad guy”. It spices up the whole betting that movie had).

    Heres an idea: A villain (lets say, Luthor) somehow controls Superman (I guess with red krytonite), and it is up to Batman to stop him. In the big showdown, Batman is so F’n close to beating the Man of Steel. Then (I won’t say how, ’cause I don’t know how), Batman LOSES! Like the movie “The Superfight” (Ali vs. Marciano), fans could yell out, “What the FUCK?! I want my money back!!!” At least from there, it could (if done properly) bring that same feeling like in ‘Rocky’. Hopefully, that is…

    Or, we can follow Campea’s idea and kill off the kid and Katie Holmes, XD

    Now, Bryan Singer is the PERFECT choice for director (see X2 to get the idea). As for script writer, FIND SOMEONE THAT CAN MAKE A GOOD (or GREAT) SCRIPT!!!!!!! I can wait.

    Well, it is all a matter of time. Right now, Nolan must find a Joker, and Singer must determine if Superman will die in the sequel.

    When this project is greenlit, we shall chant these words: “PLEASE DON’T SUCK! PLEASE DON’T SUCK!”

    Until then, I’ll be back!!!

  10. Iffy idea, always some fans would be disapointed….
    If the budget was ok’d have Nolan at the helm.
    Batman would win per the graphic novel.

    p.s. what is the movie not to be named, john mentioned, I’m new here.

    Abe Lincoln once said: You can please some of the people some of the
    time, but never all the people all the time.

  11. Man it’d be FUCKING AWESOME if Nolan and Singer teamed up to Batman Vs Superman……….but that will never happen.

    Routh and Bale have to return in their roles. I remember at the MTV awards Bale poked fun at Superman when Routh was standing there, it was classic. Bale is a fantastic actor and I’ve heard nothing but good comments about Routh.

    I would perfer if Superman went badass. Like you guys were saying on the AD Superman is like God, no one can stop him. How fucking insane would it be if one of the most powerful beens started a rampage.

  12. As long as they keep Bale and Routh and use one of the franchise’s current directors then it’ll just be the greatest thing EVER. Singer would do an awesome job.

    Versus movies don’t ALWAYS suck. Freddy Versus Jason kicked all kinds of ass! AVP sucked because it had a sucky director.

    I’d love a Dark Knight Returns comic. How about No Man’s Land? Escape From LA with Batman? Yeah!!!

  13. “How can Batman beat up Superman? Excuse my ignorance, but i never read the comic”

    I believe in the comic, batman had infused kryptonite into his gloves or something of that nature.

    The scene in the comic where the old batman, beats the living crap out of the totalitarian old superman is my ALL TIME favorite piece of comic artwork. If someone could actually pull this off in movie form I would freak OUT! I CALL FOR A DARK KNIGHT RETURNS MOVIE! Seeing an aged batman and superman both tired from battles, grey haired, in the future, would be just totally and completely wicked.

    That is a movie id go to see at least five times. Please get J. Michael Strazynski to write this. I know he works for marvel now, but he would be absolutely perfect for writing a script of this.

  14. ^^^^
    Because Supes has a very public weakness (kryptonite) and Batman has absolutly no qualms in fighting dirty against anyone if it means coming out on top. I would strongly suggest reading The Dark Knight Returns, it is one of the best comics ever made.

  15. Even though I would love to see this movie, my feeling is that the studios would muck things up. The story would get even more convoluted because to many people would get their hands on it, especially the marketing department. Now I’ve worked in advertising and I can honestly say that the marketing deptarment is highly overrated and highy incompetent. What they would do to this movie would be a travesty.

    Plus the budget would be well over 300 million and that is something I can’t see a studio doing with any condifence. The studio would be so conservative and nervous that whatever story emerges, it would emerge highly tainted from cowardice hands.

    However the idea of seeing Supes kid killed is highly appealing along with Katie Holmes of course. Now that is worth seeing.

    Besides the movie will never get made…it’s just to risky for studios who are run by bean counters, not people who love movies.

    Maybe they should consider a digital animated version…that would be interesting. But it would have to be adult oriented…along the lines of Akira…now that would cool.

  16. I think this would be a good movie for the studio to make money and, while I would be the first person in line, it would sort of suck because it’s obvious, from both a logical and historical (the comics) standpoint, who wins the fights. Batman wins, he always wins. He’s the smartest man in the world and always keeps Kryptonite at his side to take down Superman. I thin it would be cool to see but inevitably boring because Batman beats Superman, they work it out and take down the Joker and Luthor. At least maybe we could get some good Batman kicking the crap out of people scenes where Supes has to peel him off of the Joker but that’s it.

  17. Only way I could even want to see this is if Singer WASNT involved. I dont want him touching my new Batman. Nolan has done a superb job with Begins and I bet he will continue to do so with Batman 2 and 3. I suppose if Nolan AND Singer tackled it together as a team I would be more into the idea…. at least then we know that one part of it will be great ;).

    I dont know if you would be cramming the two together in a movie though, like the above poster stated. As long as they were to stick to the current Superman/Batman movies and stick with the same cast, you wouldnt need to explore a whole lot of backstory. Knowing Singer, he’d fuck it all up though. Oh well. One can still hope that if it does happen (even with Singer attached) WB would allow for two directors and let Nolan come on board (and hopefully he would want to do it).

  18. Bryan Singer will never make this movie. This was an off-the-cuff comment he made when an interviewer asked him about the Wolfgang petersen project. These characters dont deserve to be crammed into a movie together, because one will always feel lacking. Fans of Batman will feel jilted if he is not the focus and fans of Superman will feel the same if he is not the focus. I, for one, am very glad this movie never saw the light of day. Keep these icons seperate.

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