The Paramount Situation and Tonights Audio Edition

Hey there folks.  John here.

Since yesterday morning I’ve received over 1000 emails.¬† I haven’t got that much email since I announced I was giving away Jessica Alba sex slave clones.¬† I’ve just been overwhelmed by this whole situation.

But the fact of the matter is that I just can’t answer any more email on the topic.¬† Therefore, tonight on The Audio Edition Doug and I will talk about this situation, what happened, our feelings on the situation and where things currently¬† stand.¬† hopefully this will answer all the questions.

I should also note that the show will be my last word on the situation and on the film that shall no longer be named.¬† The event in question was yesterday morning, and I’ve got more important things to focus on right now… and I just don’t want to beat a dead horse.

Thank you to all who have requested interviews, but we won’t be discussing this issue outside of this site.


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19 thoughts on “The Paramount Situation and Tonights Audio Edition

  1. I respect where your coming from John. Taking down the site is like someone invading your house and fucking with it. I hope things get sorted out soon, I hope some day we can all smile and talk about Transformers.

  2. Hey there Kelltrenzer,

    Are you sure you don’t work for Paramount? I’m pretty sure that exactly the way they want me to see things… well… aside from the illegal giant robots in space part. :P

    Yup, i can’t torpedo their project. Not even a little. But that doesn’t mean I have to be their bitch and let them walk all over me while keeping a smile on my face either. Or as Doug put it:

    “On the Audio Edition we have been puming up Transformers (the movie) bigger than the Reurn of Christ (amen), and they reward us by pissing in our mouths, getting erect, and then fucking our piss filled throats.”

    And you would like me to say “thank you sir.. may i have some more”?

    Sorry, not me.

  3. Oh god get over yourself. You’re still gonna go see Transformers when it comes out. You think a big multi-billion dollar studio is gonna beg for your forgiveness? You’re LUCKY they apologized at all. I’m not sure but last I checked The Movie Blog didn’t have the pull to torpedo a movie. Can we just move on now and show more “illegal” pictures of giant robots from outer space?

  4. really sorry about transformers bullshit john. that shit is straight wack! recently discovered your site. love the video reviews & esp the audio podcasts. speaking of podcasts,was listening to 148 & i cant believe your stevie wonderisms toward that bullshit descisin regading the italy vs australia game. it was shown from 5 diff hi-def angles that the aussie guy didnt even touch the italian. now due to the raspbery acting of the 2 italian players & the ray charles fifa ref,your beloved italia’s rep is forever tarnished. had 2 let you know.

  5. I can’t wait to wake up to the Audio Edition tomorrow, just to see how many different ways Doug can combine the words ‘retarded’, ‘cockshit’ and ‘Paramount’ into the same sentence!

  6. Rats!

    Since you are fresh out of Jessica Alba clones, can I have the original donor – but the twist being is that I would be her sex slave?

  7. Just remember John, we are all HERE because of you and doug and darren. We come to this site to see your views on movies and the movie making business. So we all stand behind you as loyal visitors, readers, and commenters. Some of us may not agree about your decisions ( I do agree with you however )but when it comes down to it, this is YOUR website, and it is YOUR forum to say what you want to say. And i really respect the fact that you are taking a stand.

    Try not to let this situation and any negative comments get you down. You have made a serious stand against Paramount and the movie making industry. Seeing that this is one of the most Dugg articles on all of means you are getting some real attention. Hell, the fact that Paramount even bothered to call you means that you affected someone enough for someone to bother to make an effort. For a giant movie studio, thats a big deal. And i GUARANTEE that they and other studios would think twice before trying the same stunt again whether its to you or another movie site.

    Just think about it. Your (relatively) small weblog about movies has actually affected people around the world. Hopefully this will cause even a bit of change among the studios. I for one will probably wait to see Transformers until after it comes out on DVD now, just because of this incident. Hopefully others will agree with me and we can bring those box office numbers down just a little bit, to make a point that Internet journalists are just as important as printed journalists, and should be treated as such.

    When will these studios realize that they are losing both fans and MONEY when they pull stunts like this.

    Oh well. Either way, keep up the great work John & the rest! Im looking forward to this site staying my favorite internet movie site.

  8. Hey there Zicron,

    You make totaly fair statements. I am however curious what professional sites like Entertainment tonight or CBS would have done had this happend to them. oh yes… they would have sued. :)

    The event just happened yesterday. I think taking less than 48 hours to be angry is totally acceptable.

    And yes you’re right. Not talking about TFTSNLBN (I like that by the way) is going to hurt me more than Paramount in the long run. No doubt. But honestly, from where I’m sitting, unless some people start taking a stand, this crap will never end.

    4 other sites have emailed me and said they are going to do the same thing. imagine what would happen if 100 sites decided to do that? Think Paramount would pay attention then?

    They ripped my site down… and only after a ton o negative web publicity did they get some peon (although a nice one) in the legal department to call me and offer some fake damage conrol apology. No… to me that isn’t enough.

    I respect that you have a diferent opinion than I do.


  9. Hey there Josh,

    Sorry mate, all out of the Alba Sex Slave clones. I had a few “Honey” models left last week… but they flew off th shelf pretty fast.

    AM I GOING TO STILL SEE THE FILM THAT SHALL NO LONGER BE NAMED? That’s a great question. I’d like to say “no”, but if I’m going to be honest in reality I probably will.

    Bitterness is a terrible thing… because now I’m hoping the film sucks.

  10. I totally agree with Matlot.

    Yeah, we get it John, you’re mad, but aren’t you also a professional? Didn’t anyone ever teach you to take the high road, turn the other cheek?

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying roll over, and I think you’ve more than gotten them back with all the press and publicity that their attack generated, but why cut your nose off to spite your face? That’s the real question here.

    As said above, Paramount is not “the film that will no longer be mentioned” (something I’m already sick of reading, and I’m sure over the next year will just get more annoying), and vice versa. A tent pole? Yes. Are you going to ban talk of all Paramount (BTW, shouldn’t that be “the studio that will no longer be mentioned”?) projects or just the one that got your panties in a wad? Are you going to hurt them, or yourself more by not talking about one of the biggest movies of next year? I for one will be going elsewhere to get my “TFTWNLBM” fix.

    You had your temper tantrum, justified? Of course, but get back to what you’re good at, blogging about movies, all the movies!

  11. The saddest thing about this situation is that the passion you have obviously had for these characters since childhood has been crushed by some jobs-worth, overactive marketing worker bee… thats just too bad.
    Asking you to remove the picture is reasonable, but hitting the site is not. If Paramount released some behind the scenes photos from city filming that by accident showed you walking by the shooting location, what chance do you think you would have of getting them to suspend their whole site? Its just corporate strong-arming for the simple reason that they know they can throw their weight around and people will do what they say…
    Suck up the crap, enjoy the new exposure you’ve gotten from this, and keep on truckin’ boys – remember that the suits are just doing their mindless monkey-work, at least it wasn’t Bay or Spielberg doing the shafting…

  12. Wait, your handing out Jessica Alba sex-slave clones! Is it too late to have her come in as the Sin City model or do I have to settle with her Fantastic4 model?

    But all jokes(albiet terrible ones) aside, this is kinda sad. You guys were really looking forward to the film. Are you going to even see it?

  13. Hey Malot,

    I totally see where you’re coming from… but there is more to it than just that. Had Paramount taken down the CBS website for 8 hours… or Entertainment tonight’s website… or your website… would just a fake call from someone in the legal department saying “opppsie… sorry” really be enough?

    Maybe it would be… but i doubt it. They didn’t just send a threatning email by accident… they took my whole site offline… and if I wasn’t quick in acting with my Hosting company… it would STILL be down today.

    So yes, I’m still mad.

    Grumpy grumpy. Today I am Grumpy Smurf.

  14. Oh sweet Jesus, tonight’s podcast is going to make Eddie Murphy in Raw look like Annie! John, I’m glad to hear that Paramount actually called you back to apologize! Anyways, like I posted yesterday, I’m sorry that they basically pissed on your Transformers parade by their actions, but will be glad to see that time that was formerly devoted to talking about Transformers every podcast to now talking about more interesting (to me) movies and debates.

    I predict tonight’s podcast shall be the podcast to rule all others, and that I will in fact learn some new cuss-words from one rabid Mr. Doug Nagy. YES!

    p.s. No yukelele playing for many a podcast, when will it return…?

  15. The studio has apologised. Get over it John, and get back to the excitement of the film. This is smacking of hubris now – it’s all about the movie, not the fucking studio.
    I love hearing you rave about the films – this is spoiling the atmosphere of the site.

  16. John, I like the idea of not discussing it out of the site. Shows class.

    I think you could milk this shituation and garner more pub for the site, but I think it’s way cool that you’re just keep it movin.

  17. The saddest thing seems to be that that great enthusiasm for Transformers you’ve been showing for months now – a genuine, infectious enthusiasm – has been knocked out of you by those cretinous execumonkeys. And why would you do that to a fan? It’s like George Lucas snatching a toy lightsaber out of little kid’s hand and then calling him a dick. That’s just mean, George! Mean!

    Anyways, looking forward to hearing the full story tonight.

  18. Hey John

    Hope everything worked out in your favor.

    Is it me or are some of the posts in the comment section missing (the one currently sitting at 157 comments), I made a few last night and they are gone?

    am I going crazy?


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