Napoleon Dynamite Festival

Napoleon-Dynamite-festivalFredo from over at The Dude Blog let me know about this clearly one of a kind event.  The Napoleon Dynamite Festival.

Nearly every man, woman and child has seen the movie Napoleon Dynamite. If you haven’t, please go kick yourself in the testesatchel/babymaker because you are a friggin’ moron. If you have and you love it like the Dudes love it, then we encourage you to stop what you’re doing and bust ass to the 2006 Napoleon Dynamite Festival in Preston, Idaho. It’s only a 20 minute El Camino ride for me and Chark (two hour burro ride for Taco). Perhaps we’ll venture up there and snap some photos. Visit the Preston, Idaho homepage to get dates and times for the events.

Ok, I’m not the BIGGEST Napoleon Dynamite fan in the world, but this event sounds like it’s almost worth the drive from Ontario.¬† If anyone ends up going to this thing, drop us a note and let us know how it was.¬† Send pictures too if you get them.

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8 thoughts on “Napoleon Dynamite Festival

  1. This movie absolutely kicked ass. I loved how incredibly 80s all of the lead characters were, their clothes, their houses, even Napoleon’s awesome drawings. It’s not an 80s setting but the kids are all spot-on, much more so than in Donnie Darko where they felt that referencing the Smurfs and playing Echo And The Bunnymen would be enough.

    They hold a festival like this for The Big Lebowski called Lebowskifest I think. Basically all the fans get dressed up as their favourite characters, meet up, have some drinks, watch the movie and go bowling. And The Real Dude shows up to hang out (he’s the guy the Coens based the movie on). Sounds awesome but I’m in the UK. All we get is the aforementioned school fetes and a cattle show every now and again.

  2. i thought this movie was pretty bad,i know a lot of people like it but it was awful. i am from the uk though and our sense of humour is a little different.each to their own, as john says movies are subjective……

  3. I think it’s much more beloved out West, as the character quirks are spot on with how the locals act and speak. When Uncle Rico says, “How much you wanna bet I can throw this football over them mountains,” I just die laughing because people say crap like that. Plus, you gotta love Kip.

  4. I really can’t understand why this movie is so loved. I had the same experience as Lilly – I just couldn’t get myself to watch the whole damn thing. I had basically no expectations, I was just curious what all the fuss was all about. And after watching two thirds of it, I gave up. It just seemed to be a dumb, weird, pointless movie. For some reason it reminded me a bit of Ghost World, a movie I absolutely loved – only that it had none of the qualities of that movie. Just a stupid, pointless movie.

  5. I really can’t understand why this movie is so loved. I had the same experience as Lilly – I just couldn’t get myself to watch the whole damn thing. I had basically no expectations, I was just curious what all the fuss was all about. And after watching two thirds of it, I gave up. It just seemed to be a dumb, weird, pointless movie. For some reason it reminded me a bit of Ghost World, a movie I absolutely loved – only that it had none of the qualities of that movie. Just a stupid, pointless movie.

  6. I’m a little stumped by the Napoleon Dynamite love, too. It had it’s moments (the climactic dance scene, the bit with the time machine), but it’s not a classic like Wild Things or The Craft.

    Also, what do you suppose goes on at this festival? What happens once you’ve watched the entire Napoloeon Dynamite… um… one-ology? Are there rides?

    Please help. We only get Dr Who festivals and school fetes in England.

  7. I tried – really, really did – three times, in fact, to watch the whole movie and couldn’t. I thought I was going to love it when I saw the trailer, but when it finally came time to see it, I couldn’t watch it. And I sat through a whole advance screening of Gummo, for christ sake! Now that oughta tell you how unimpressed I was with ND.

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