Leonard Nimoy and The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins

Oh my sweet lord. I was constantly caught between wanting to laugh till I cried or puke my guts out. Leonard Nimoy singing The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins. Get all small children out of the room…. it would be cruel to show them this.

I would say “thanks” to Lou for the heads up… but I don’t know if I should thank him or seek horrible revenge for subjecting me to this.

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26 thoughts on “Leonard Nimoy and The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins

  1. Nimoy recorded several albums back in the day, actually, and some of them even sold decently well. He does a few Johnny Cash covers … Ring of Fire and I Walk The Line among them.

    There are a handful of Star Trek alumni with record out … I know Brent Spiner (Data) did one called Old Yellow Eyes Is Back, and Shatner’s first one is legitimately the stuff of legend.

  2. Holy FUCK. That is the stuff of nightmares. When he’s singing over the camera with his head upside down… I’m getting queasy just thinking about it. You’ve unleashed a special kind of evil on the world, Mr Campea.

  3. According to Wikipedia, the song was recorded back in 1968. If you watch the documentary Ringers: Lord of the Fans it reminds us that the Lord of the Rings had strong ties to the hippie movement in the 60’s. Led Zeppelin are among other bands from that era who also had references to Tolkien’s books in their music.

    Shatner and Nimoy’s musical projects over the years have proven just how versatile (and humourous) they really are. Shatner’s “Has Been” album is equally amazing, for anyone who hasn’t heard it yet.

  4. This is WRONG on so many levels. I can imagine that being strapped to a chair and made to watch this played back at half-speed in a constant loop would be an effective way to make you foam at the mouth and stool yourself…

  5. makes me cringe just watching. can’t have one without the other though, I did a william shatner search on youtube and there are plenty of clips from his siging career, OMG! still curious to hear his new album to see if it’s just as bad. there was one clip of him singing to george lucas and he had a bevvy of dancing stormtroopers behind him, see:

    and this one is for you john, a bit of patriotism:

  6. Just the other day I was thinking about how I have little use for anything related to Lord of the Rings. Thanks for reminding me of the only good thing to be inspired by Tolkien.

    A magic ring he stole!

  7. HAHAHA! Max from Londinium, you guys rock so much ass (to use Doug’s genius phrase), i need like a massive ass-container putter-inner thingy connected to the fattest speakersystem in the known galaxy to proclaim it to the globe. This is almost as priceless as the movie of Mr T pointing viciously at the screen and telling us all to “treat your mother right”. Backing vocals on that, genius. I need more campean-therapy, keep em coming lads!

  8. That is quite possibly the most awesome thing I have ever witnessed! Did you catch the intensity of the shoulder shrugs? The enticing, subtly come-hither appeal of the bow-legged arm-waggling? Wikked. Truly inspiring

  9. Oh yes… A timeless classic(well, not exactly a classic… It’s not the kind of song that you want to ever listen to more than once, but you definately never forget it)! I remember this from when I was kid.

    You should hear the rest of the songs Nimoy and Shatner did back then….

    Let’s just say that they made some… ummm… well… interesting music.

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