Audio Edition – The Scottish Edition

RichardBrunton.jpgHi everyone, here’s a nice little Xmas surprise for you all, the first ever (and probably last) Scottish version of the Movie Blog Audio Edition. That means no John, no Doug, just me and my friends Martin and Louise. Today we’ll be discussing the Movie Blog Award nominations, those are the ones you’ve made, and a little surprise end topic.

We went through hell today trying to get this onto my home PC, but I’ve finally managed and probably wrecked the superb quality in the process, but no matter, we learn from our mistakes if there ever happens to be another chance to do this!

This edition is slightly longer than normal (about 17.5Mb and 38mins), but not that much, and we all hope that you enjoy it. It’ll be as much a surprise to John as it is to you all, and hopefully a good one. Martin and I were a little nervous, but we got there. A few more and we’ll be in full swing like the guys are.

So please download and enjoy, and leave your comments to let us know how we did. In the meantime huge thanks to Louise and her Boss for letting us use the Studio and equipment, as well as for her dedicated Holiday time, and also to Martin for joining me. So please make it all worthwhile by listening and leaving us your comments.

I’ll also take this chance to say a huge Merry Xmas to you all, particularly John and Doug, may you get everything you wish for and much more. No drinking and driving now, be happy and safe. Big hugs…

You can download this installment of The Scottish Audio Edition here

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