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Mark Hamill Calls Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Genius

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story has debuted and most fans either love it or don’t like it as much as Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

For me personally, I loved it a lot more than The Force Awakens and even agreed with the high praising comments from what Star Wars legend Mark Hamill tweeted recently.

Mark Hamill who played Luke Skywalker himself, called the latest Star Wars installment genius and more than just a good Star Wars movie.

I would have to agree with the Skywalker, as Rogue One was nothing short of spectacular in my correct movie opinion.

Apparently one movie praising tweet wasn’t enough as the Jedi master stated an hour later how he was in a state of euphoria and exhilaration after watching Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

So whether you liked Rogue One: A Star Wars Story or not, the truth is that you should definitely go see it just for the sake and state of euphoria you could or could not experience after watching another Star Wars masterpiece.

For those of you that did enjoy Rogue One,

check out The Best Rogue One Characters Ranked!
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