
Guardians of the Galaxy 17 minutes of what’s to come..



After a summer loaded with superhero movies, we aren’t done yet. Marvel just can’t let the summer end without having their stamp on it. Enter Guardians of the Galaxy. Last night, I took part in a limited screening of a 17-minute teaser for the movie. Upon the entrance, on thing is undeniable. People are over the moon with excitement for this movie. Now what did I get out of that quarter of an hour? Well first and foremost, an IMAX 3-D version of the film, can’t deny how awesome that looked. Felt as if flying objects from the Galaxy were coming right at me, nudged my head a few times trying to dodge the life-like projections. Visually the film in 3-D was masterful. There are a limited number of movies that truly change your experience watching them in 3-D. Guardians of the Galaxy will most definitely be one of those movies.



Now, as far as what was witnessed in those 17 minutes, that’s a different story. From the clip shown, I’m assuming the part takes place someone in the early to middle of the movie. Lets say the 50 min mark? We begin with Peter Quill (Chris Pratt), Gamora (Zoe Saldana), Rocket, and Groot are being arrested and escorted to a cell. Witty banter between Quill and Rocket ensues, leading to them being attacked by the prisoners. The first glimpse of them as a team is when they join together out of necessity to fend away the angry prisoners and prison guards. Chaos ensues for about 10 min. Lots of shooting, fighting, and ultimately the introduction of Drax.


The visuals in 3-D are amazing. The CGI of Grood, Rocket, and other nameless creatures look flawless. Based on my review so far, you would be lead to believe this is a must-see movie of the summer, not so fast. Besides the good visuals, I didn’t really get much out of the 17 minutes of their showcase. Acting was a bit bothersome. Chris Pratt’s humor seems forced. Too many cheap gags. Granted, I get that this movie places a high emphasis on attempting comedy, however a chuckle here and there doesn’t seem to live up to expectations. I’m fearing that the constant comedy seen in the 17 minutes might continue throughout the film. Might be a big sign of parody in the making.


I have my thoughts, as I’m sure others do that have seen this preview. Can’t completely judge any movie after 17 minutes of it, especially an action adventure. Two things I can be confident in taking away, are the stunning visuals in 3-D, and the incredible anticipation for a rather unknown Marvel group of characters. We shall see it all unfold on August 1st. My prediction: Huge Box Office, yet an average movie.


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