Amazing Spider-Man ‘Sinister Six’ Details Are Continually Unraveling


If you’re even a moderate Spider-Man fan then you probably know the direction that they’re taking the reboot and the introduction of the villainous group known as the Sinister Six. Director Drew Goddard, known for The Cabin In The Woods, is currently in talks to direct and write the film that “officially” introduces the Sinister Six. Of course he won’t be able to commit whole-heartedly until the Daredevil Netflix series has been completed.


Sony Pictures is nearing a deal with Drew Goddard to direct Sinister Six, the Amazing Spider-Man spinoff for the studio. Goddard wrote the script for this first of what Marvel and Sony hope will be a new film franchise that shapes up as an Avengers-like all-star team of bad guys.

Via: Deadline

The film is expected to be a springboard for an Avengers like franchise that focuses on villains rather than heroes. The expected villains that will make up the Sinister Six are Doctor Octopus, Electro, Kraven the Hunter, Mysterio, Sand-man, and The Vulture. Other sources think that the Lizard may be omitted from the list and that the Green Goblin and Rhino could be interchangeable with other characters.


The third installment of The Amazing Spider-Man is slated for release on June 10, 2016 so the Sinister Six film will presumably follow that film’s release. It will be interesting to see how this plays out and if the process is as fluid as Marvel’s “Phase One.”

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