Movie News Chat

Guest post: Movie rewards programs, where are they!


Do you have movie rewards programs in your country? Do you still have cheap ticket days? Are there any cheap alternatives that you use, cheap theatres, coupons for movies? I’ve wondered outside of my own country whether other programs were in place. I’ve caught a couple films in the United States when I’ve been there on extended trips, but beyond that. I really don’t vacation to watch movies elsewhere, so I was wondering if you movie readers of TMB could help fill in the blanks!


In Canada, where I’m from, the predominant theatre company Cineplex started up a rewards program called SCENE a few years back. What it meant for movie goers was actually being rewarded by going to watch movies. By that I mean for every ticket a person bought, providing you were a SCENE member where signing up is free. A ticket would net you 100 points and every 1,000 points could be redeemed towards a free ticket to any movie. And the 1,000 point SCENE ticket wasn’t limited to just a standard tickets but also 3D priced tickets and even IMAX 3D price tickets. So the pay off has been pretty good.


Cineplex has also recently introduced TimePlay which goes on-screen right before the commercials and trailers for a film. It’s basically a giant buzz in game of Scene-It with movie trivia played on smartphones by connecting to the theatres specific wifi. Winning gives you “bragging rights” for the showtime but in general you receive tangible things like a free large drink at the theatre and an additional 50 scene points, which adds up along the way. As a movie goer it has been pretty fun given the participation of it and just flexing your movie knowledge along the way.


So it had me wondering if other countries had movie rewards programs. And if so, what are they? Outside of maybe the free movie voucher inside the taco shell box or microwave popcorn. So hopefully other visitors of TMB can shed light on this or if you’re Canadian how you like our rewards program.



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