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21 Jump Street sequel filming this fall


Not a huge surprise at all but a 21 Jump Street sequel has seemingly been confirmed and it’s being reported that filming will begin as soon as this fall. The reason it’s not a surprise is because audiences loved the first film and it made a ton of money, and in Hollywood that’s your golden ticket. Tatum apparently confirmed the news on his twitter account, (who needs a press release anymore), and the president of Columbia pictures reportedly also provided some confirmation.


Earlier this month, Tatum confirmed via Twitter that he and Jump Street co-star Jonah Hill are working on a sequel. And today The Hollywood Reporter offered further confirmation through an interview they ran with Columbia Pictures president Doug Belgrad…


I actually think it sounds like fun and I love Tatum’s latest comedic efforts. I like the direction he’s taken with most of his film selection lately, with few exceptions, and look forward to seeing him re-team with Jonah Hill. Hill is borderline underrated and I tend to enjoy every appearance by the guy. Can’t wait to see more of this and will keep out a keen eye for more details.


Via: Cinemablend



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