Peter Jackson had an ulcer

Peter Jackson is a busy guy and all indications show that not only is he busy, but he’s stressed. Stressed enough that it’s having adverse effects on his well-being as he was recently admitted into a hospital to have surgery for ulcers.

Cinema Blend via Stuff

Stuff reports that Peter Jackson checked into a hospital with a perforated ulcer. He underwent surgery and is now resting comfortably. It sounds like he’s going to be ok but, as confirmed by a publicist working with The Hobbit production, it will cause “a slight delay to the start of filming” on the movie. Forget the movie though, what is making this film doing to Peter Jackson’s wellbeing?

I have to admit I’ve been curious about Peter Jackson’s well being ever since his massive weight loss and today’s news isn’t really doing anything to alleviate that concern. He certainly has had a lot going on with him ever since the initial success of the LOTR trilogy. He’s had public spats with the head of New Line Cinema over royalties from DVD and Blu Ray releases and seemingly non-stop issues surrounding the production of the Hobbit. I wholly believe the Peter did not want to direct the Hobbit and I sincerely hope that he recovers and bounces back from these setbacks.

The other tidbit is that this will, obviously, affect and delay the filming of the Hobbit. I for one certainly understand and rather that he be 100% and begin working on the Hobbit with the same ability and passion that was shown while filming the LOTR trilogy.

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