First Look at Thundercats Reboot

The Thundercats are a staple of 80s animation and I am surprised it took this long for them to reboot the franchise into a new updated production.

Now we get our first look at the updated Thundercats, and I have to say I am really liking the look of it.

Lion-O is looking younger, but the sword is the same. Cheetara looks a lot cooler and Panthro looks pretty beefy. But my personal favourite is Tigra, he looks cool, but I am concerned that he is carrying a gun.

What I like most of all about these images is that there is no Snarf or Willie Kittens! They represented a little more of a juvenile appeal in the show, and I can do without them.

I wonder what Mumm-Ra and the Mutants will look like.


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13 thoughts on “First Look at Thundercats Reboot

  1. Never seen anything to do with Thundercats before, except for the Symbol, and I’m begining to seriously dislike anime and manga style things (wayyyy too pretty) BUT BUT BUT, I LOVE studio 4C, they’re friggin brilliant!

    So this could potentially rule..

  2. Still miss Cheetara’s original costume that was so sexy back then. I would prefer for Panthro to have stayed bald and not with a bald spot. He does look menacing which is nice. I don’t mind Lion-O looking younger, after all his aging was speed up during his hibernation chamber. So maybe thats why they decide to keep him younger now and not make him an adult. I know that they never really used guns but their weapons at times and vehicles would shoot beams or rockets so I’m no too bothered with Tygra’s gun. I like his scout uniform since his whip allowed him to turn invisible. I can’t wait to see more, I thought Snarf was supposed to be in it, just not talk?

  3. i don’t know about these looks, . The originals looked way better this ones look either too young or too old, and they don’t look as mean nor strong as the old ones.. it kinda portraits how America is going… from looking very strong to lowering our looks n standards just to please mothers of America

  4. I remember spending many hours with my Thundercat sword and glove, pretending I was Lion-o. I’m definitely going to make sure my son has a cnhance to watch this when it comes out!

  5. I’m worried about Tigra’s gun as well.

    I would think that the chances of Snarf and the Kittens being in it (and how they are portrayed) depends of the audience they are aiming for. Are they going to shoot for today’s kids or are they going for an audience that’s a bit older?

    As a kid MummRa was pretty intimidating to me (and other kids I bet) but now that us kids of the 80s are grown I do see how they can repeat that intimidation without going outside the kid zone.

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