I love a good western, and I love a good sci-fi film.
So I am already predisposed to love Cowboys and Aliens and now a trailer has dropped.
They are calling this a Teaser Trailer, but I don’t think that’s what this was at all. It might be the first trailer, but its not much of a Teaser. This clearly sets out the plot and tone of the movie.
I also wonder how this might have felt with Robert Downey Jr in the role of the mysterious memory challenged cowboy.
I had to really stop and think about what these simple fronteirsmen would be thinking of all this. Even at the moment when his alien shackle “beeped” I had to stop and think… the word “beep” wouldn’t have even existed back then.
Nothing beeped!
And it is important to note that they are clearly out powered by the alien forces and the one weapon they have to fight back would be that mysterious transformer bracelet that seems to generate a weapon that can bring one of their fighter craft to the ground.
Still looked pretty cool to me.