Twilight Zone to get another Feature Film

The classic Twilight Zone has seen a number of incarnations, and another crack at resurrecting the property is in the works.

A big screen revival of the film is in the works that would feature a number of short films all surrounding a central theme. Jason Rothenberg has been hired to write the film.

Dark Horizons Reports:

Leonardo DiCaprio’s Appian Way will produce this new feature which is speculated to likely resemble the previous film adaptation in 1983 which combined four separate 20-25 minute segments, each helmed by different directors (Steven Spielberg, John Landis, George Miller, Joe Dante) and all of which were either direct remakes or variations on previous episodes of the series.

I remember the first cinematic take on this story, as well as some of the attempts to reboot the franchise into episodic series that told different tales of the strange in each episode.

I do love the idea of different directors all producing their own short films to come together to make this one film.

My favourite segment was Nightmare at 20,000 feet which in the film was a remake of the episode that originally starred William Shatner, and the film version had John Lithgow in the role. The character has a window seat in an airplane and during a storm sees a gremlin on the wing and everyone else thinks he is crazy.

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8 thoughts on “Twilight Zone to get another Feature Film

  1. IMHO, the original TZ movie suffered from the remake portions of the film. Also, the Dan Ackroyd bookends were just stupid – much more in the vein of EC Comics than the original TZ TV series.

    Serling and company told many great tales that were both entertaining and socially relevant and not mentionable in any other genre, and they did it in 22 minutes! We could get 4-6 stories in the 100-120 minute span of modern movies. And that would be awesome, if only the stories were good.

    The problem with the TZ model is that too many contemporary viewers have already been overexposed to the form in one way or another. This means the twists that made the original so fun are too easy too anticipate. Good writers could solve that problem, but good luck finding them. And, frankly, good luck in finding that key 18-35 demographic that would have both the intelligence and the patience to make the film a success.

    1. This is actually me responding to myself.

      TZ does not to be redone again. The Night Gallery could be. The credits, hosting by Rod, paintings, and theme were very good. (Jack Laird is what prevented the show from being another TZ.)

  2. Excellent idea! The Twilight Zone was such a groundbreaking show, and the subtle story lines always captured our imagination and carried us through that “other worldly” existence all the way to a satisfactory, if not surprising, conclusion. I would love to see another effort to capture the unique Twilight Zone experience, and believe if it honors the original in its conception and delivery, it would be massively successful.

  3. My favorite too, and Lithgow’s rivals Shatners performance real close, I actually like Lithgows better.

    Dan Ackroyds bit was fun as well, I went to the theatre waaaay back when this opened and that part (Ackroyds) was shown with the lights still on as if it were a coming attraction fooling everybody in the audience, when the Scary part of that opening came at cha, the light went off, then that wonderfull music was queued and we had a fun ride ahead.

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