Ghost Rider recruits its Devil

The upcoming sequel to the less than impressive Ghost Rider movie has added two more to its roster. Ciaran Hinds, who played a deliciously drunk on power Caesar in TV’s Rome will be playing the Devil, and the beautiful Violante Placido has signed on as well.

Live for Films shares:

Ciaran Hinds (Rome, Life During Wartime) and Italian actress-singer Violante Placido (The American) are in talks to join Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance. Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor (Crank) are directing.

The new film sees Johnny Blaze, aka Ghost Rider (Cage), hiding out in remote Eastern Europe and struggling to repress his curse. Blaze is recruited by a sect to take on the devil (Hinds), who wants to take over his mortal son’s body on the boy’s birthday.

I am not all that excited about another Ghost Rider movie, and the idea that it might be in a remote Eastern European setting kind of removes that image of seeing the Ghost Rider on a demonic urban styled motorcycle.

Maybe if I gave a rats ass about the one dimensional character and wasn’t already let down by the first Ghost Rider movie…

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8 thoughts on “Ghost Rider recruits its Devil

  1. To be honest I haven’t enjoyed Nic Cage’s “acting” for quite a while, early in his career he appeared to be trying, like actually selecting interesting roles and then really “acting”. The last thing I did like him in was Kick Ass.

    He now seems to just have the same dead style of portrayal, his style is dead-pan, he delivers his lines with little or no feeling in them.

    For instance, can you actually say there is any difference in the delivery of his lines and his character in Knowing, Next or even Ghost Rider. He’s become very bland and samey, funnily though it doesn’t appear to stop people from hiring him.

  2. I am so sick of haters, or people who don’t know what there talking about, I myself can’t wait to see a ghost rider 2, the first one kicked butt and nicolas cage is the greatest. I have seen 24 of Mr. Cages film, and not one them bad. In my opion I put Nicolas Cage in the ivory league of actors who are the best actors in Hollywood from past to now, besides Mr. Cage I feel Tom Hanks, John Wayne Clint Eastwood, just to name a few actors who made movies that didn’t suck. So please you can bad mouth anything you want, but stay away from anything that deals with Movies, that is my Passion and I will defend it with every blood, sweat and tears I have.

    1. Your opinion is fine. You are entitled to it.

      But to say that every Nic Cage film is good is just an exaggeration. I am glad you can enjoy him unconditionally, but no actor is flawless, and Nic Cage is the furthest from a good example.

      I do admit that when Cage is on he is on fire. But he can put out stinkers too.

      And your “passion” seems to be blind if you feel that people cannot disagree with your opinion.

  3. I did like Peter Fonda in the first film. But Ciran Hinds…? That would work for me.

    Am I excited about this? Well, not really. Unlike Rodney, I **DO** like the concept of Ghost Rider hanging around old castles and foggy hills. There were some also some things I enjoyed in the first movie. But like Rodney, my intrest is skeptical, but for different reasons.

    That’s the wildcard duo of Neveldine/Taylor. While I think they can (and will) get away with a load of crazy action shots, I haven’t quite warmed up to thier style yet. I also feel they share some blame for last June’s dud ‘Jonah Hex’.

    So on a action setting, they might do okay. Everything else? Roll the dice and don’t crap out.

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