Edgar Wright talks Ant-Man

Edgar Wright has finished his work with Scott Pilgrim vs The World, and as soon as publicity winds down he is getting back to work on Ant-Man. He talks briefly about it, and Cinematical reports what he had to say:

Now that Scott Pilgrim is wrapping up, Wright is turning back to the zany Marvel property. He told Box Office Magazine that he’s only written one draft of the script, but is preparing to go back for a second. Wright stresses that his take isn’t some silly or satirical version of the character, but just a tweaked superhero film. “What we wrote for the first draft, and what Marvel really liked, is that it’s funny, but it’s a genre film. It’s about the level of comedy that Iron Man has. The idea is to make a high-concept genre film where it’s within another genre. His suit and its power is the big gadget and it takes place in the real world. I just wanted to do something that was slightly different than the superhero origin film. I felt that between that and the various mad scientist, crazy doctor films that we’ve all seen, this would be a way into an origin that was slightly different. I’m not really a multi-tasker — I haven’t done anything since Marvel liked our first draft.”

So there you have it. Ant-Man will be very much a tie in from the Avengers film launching into his own film. He talks about the humour and tone of the film but manages to dodge casting altogether. A little soon to deal with that, however with speculation around Nathan Fillion as Ant Man in the Avengers, it would be a good fit for the tone he is going with.

Doing these spinoff titles after The Avengers would make it awkward to do an Origin story, though not impossible. But I like the idea of hitting the ground running with these off shoots.

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4 thoughts on “Edgar Wright talks Ant-Man

    1. Actually, you know what bothers me? Reality. Especially THOR.
      I gotta say, this whole Avengers thing is cool, but the Iron Man movies really are a thing of their own. Someone, somewhere, mentioned the “reality” of Iron Man vs. the Reality of “reality.” I think. If “they” didn’t, then I am. An avengers movie is horrible.

      SOMEONE, RODNEY? One of your new proteges maybe?……..Convince me I’m wrong. I really want this whole Avengers thing to work.

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