Robert Downey Jr. Does his Homework

Someone’s been doing his homework. That’s right, Mr. Tony Stark has been reading up on his teammates and himself…

JustJared reports:

Robert Downey Jr. stops by a comic book store and purchases a handful of Iron Man and Avengers comics before stopping by a coffee shop in Hollywood on Wednesday (June 2). The 45-year-old actor looks to be prepping for his role in the much-anticipated Avengers movie which includes his Iron Man character along with Captain America, Thor, and the Hulk. As for his next projects, Robert will be reprising his role as Sherlock Holmes.

I personally think this is full of awesomeness. Watching Downey just get in line, and buying comic books about Iron Man and The Avengers, is just simply pure cool. If you call yourself a comic book or superhero lover, and even a lover of “devoted acting”, and don’t get pumped by this…please go to the doctor and check yourself up. Lol.

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18 thoughts on “Robert Downey Jr. Does his Homework

  1. OMG!!! What a Douchbag Robert Downey Jr. has become, he is been doing movies since the 80’s and he is been nominated for and Oscar before and after Iron Man.
    He is not doing this for the fans or “homework” is Publicity!!!Don’t you think a face like that is gonna be hard to recognanize anywere he could send someone to buy comics. I really loose my admiration for him as an actor. He became a media whore!!! stupid crack pot head !!! piece of shit!!!! I hope the next time he overdose DIE!!!! ASSHOLE DOUCHBAG!!!!!!!! I fucking HATE YOU!!!!!!

    1. Did you ever stop to think that someone who lives a super cacooned life would like to just get out and do normal stuff for himself. Also showing your face and making contact with people sells movies and that is what he is in the business of.

    2. and your problem is? geez, stop bashing him or anyone for that matter, he hadn’t done anything wrong or stupid for your sake. Just doing research for what he does best. Acting!!

    3. wow your calling him all that….and HE’s the douchbag?? You need help my friend. Why is it so hard to believe that somone in a position like him can be a normal perosn…and do normal things?! You really need to get that stick out of your ass!

  2. This is just awesome. 2 things though:
    1. why aren’t the people in line with him swarming him to autograph an iron man comic book?
    2. i’m wondering why marvel didn’t provide him with a whole bunch of avengers and iron man graphic novels to read. maybe some back issues as well?

    1. Marvel should’ve just FedEx-ed the entire Avengers graphic novel collections to Robert Downey Jr’s house for free, given the monster success of the two Iron Man movies. Instead, RDJ is scrounging up resource material for himself.

  3. Woah, nice find. It’s nice to see actors who take the initiative to learn about the character their doing, and how else do Tony Stark without reading the crap out of avenger issues.

  4. I don’t know why, but the first thing that came to my mind when I saw those images was, “Wow! That is a nice suit.” If he wanted to be incognito he chose the wrong piece of clothing I think.

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